Tag - taliban



Japan Times
Aug 18, 2021
Gorbachev, who pulled Soviets from Afghanistan, says U.S. campaign doomed from start
NATO and the U.S. 'should have admitted failure earlier. The important thing now is to draw the lessons from what happened and make sure that similar mistakes are not repeated,' he said.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2021
Afghan central bank's $10 billion stash not all within reach of Taliban
The country's central bank is thought to hold foreign currency, gold and other treasures in its vaults, but the vast majority of the assets are held outside Afghanistan.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
The Taliban are back. Now will they restrain or support al-Qaida?
The United States invaded Afghanistan 20 years ago in response to terrorism, and many worry that al-Qaida and other radical Islamist groups will again find safe haven there.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
Taliban mullahs vow softer approach to win over skeptical world
Even before the group announces what's next, it appears to be in a stronger position on the world stage than it ever achieved during its five-year rule that ended after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
Biden has only himself to blame for the Taliban's victory
There was no strategic imperative for U.S. President Joe Biden to order a hasty pullout of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, yet he did.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
With Afghanistan’s collapse, a moment for Moscow and Beijing
The roles played by China and Russia now may well determine whether Afghanistan becomes a threat to the region and the wider world.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2021
Desperate Afghans throng Kabul airport, stalling U.S. evacuations
Crowds have converged on the airport seeking to escape, with some clinging to a U.S. military transport plane as it taxied on the runway.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2021
A week into Taliban rule, one city’s glimpse of what the future may hold
In Kunduz, the new insurgent leaders said they had no quarrel with the people, but residents say they soon began instilling fear.
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2021
As Taliban advances, China lays groundwork to accept an awkward reality
China, which has called religious extremism a destabilizing force in its western Xinjiang region, must also hews to its policy of noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2021
Afghanistan’s unraveling may strike another blow to U.S. credibility
The Taliban's lightning advance comes at a moment when many in Europe and Asia had hoped that President Joe Biden would re-establish America's firm presence in international affairs.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2021
The Afghan military was built over 20 years. How did it collapse so quickly?
The Taliban's advance has made clear that U.S. efforts to turn the country's military into a robust fighting force have failed, with its soldiers feeling abandoned by inept leaders.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2021
Taliban seize more Afghan cities, with assault on capital Kabul expected
Taliban insurgents seized Afghanistan's second- and third-biggest cities, as resistance from government forces crumbled and fears grew that an assault on the capital Kabul was days away.
Japan Times
Aug 13, 2021
Taliban capture Afghanistan's Kandahar as Western embassies evacuate staffers
The U.S. and U.K. said on Thursday they would send thousands of troops to Afghanistan to help evacuate civilians as troops prepare to aid evacuations.
Japan Times
Aug 12, 2021
The world told Afghan women it had their backs — it doesn’t
More women and children were killed and wounded in Afghanistan in the first half of 2021 than in the first six months of any year since records began in 2009.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2021
Friends or foes? U.S. and Russia eye base deal on Afghanistan
The Kremlin may now hold the key to a continued U.S. presence in Afghanistan with an offer to allow American troops the use of Russian military bases in Central Asia.
Japan Times
Jul 14, 2021
Biden’s Afghan blunder
Joe Biden's approach entails effectively admitting that a terrorist militia has defeated the world's most powerful military, and then handing Afghanistan back to that militia.
Japan Times
Jul 10, 2021
Afghan pilots assassinated by Taliban as U.S. withdraws
Afghan Air Force Maj. Dastagir Zamaray had grown so fearful of Taliban assassinations of off-duty forces in Kabul that he decided to sell his home to move to a safer pocket of Afghanistan's sprawling capital.
Japan Times
Jul 9, 2021
Taliban resurgence raises terrorism fears from Moscow to Beijing
The Taliban have dramatically expanded their hold on Afghan territory in recent months, leaving the U.S.-backed government in control of little more than 20% of the country.


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