Tag - takanohana



The heights Akebono reached in sumo helped pave the way for future foreign-born yokozuna Asashoryu and Hakuho.
Apr 15, 2024
Akebono's human side eclipsed his incredible sumo achievements
Talk to anyone personally acquainted with recently deceased former yokozuna Akebono and almost immediately the words “generous” and “kind” will arise.
Feb 3, 2021
Interesting facts about sumo's 13 living former yokozuna
With the passing of Tochinoumi on Jan. 29 there are now just 15 surviving active or retired yokozuna.
Jul 8, 2020
Sumo's unique kanreki ceremonies provide windows into past
It's looking increasingly likely that it could be December (or even 2021) before Isegahama will be able to don the red rope.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2020
Gaming world remains land of untapped potential for sumo
Putting a sport in front of the eyeballs of the younger generation guarantees much higher rates of engagement and participation at all levels.
Mar 18, 2020
Akinoshima had decorated career as part of sumo's dominant stable
Yesterday's Rikishi File was a profile of Kotonishiki — a former sekiwake who is second all-time in the number of special prizes won, with 18.
Mar 17, 2020
Kotonishiki experienced historic success without reaching ozeki
Of the four ranks in sumo's top division, komusubi is the one at which a rikishi is least likely to win a championship.
Japan Times
Jan 18, 2020
Japan's news outlets take one step backward before moving forward
Before going forward into the new year, an extra edition of Shukan Shincho (with a Jan. 27 publication date) flashed back in time to track down author Ben Goto. Now a spry 89 years old, Goto achieved instant fame with a 1973 publication titled "Great Prophecies of Nostradamus." His book initially sold...
SUMO / Rikishi Files
Jan 17, 2020
Former yokozuna Kitanoumi was imposing figure in sumo
Intimidation factor is something that cannot be discounted when it comes to finding reasons for success in sumo.
SUMO / Rikishi Files
Nov 17, 2019
Muscular Chiyonofuji's career bloomed late
For a certain generation of fans there is only one name that comes to mind when discussing the greatest of all time and that name is Chiyonofuji.
JAPAN / Heisei Icons
Apr 4, 2019
Takanohana: The nail that sumo pounded down
In sumo's 2,000-year history, few men have been as steeped in the sport's traditions as Koji Hanada.
Mar 27, 2019
Dominant Hakuho continues to redefine greatness
Sumo columnist James Hardy once bemoaned the difficulty of doing daily tournament reports, saying, "There are only so many ways to write A pushed out B."
Mar 19, 2019
Sumo 101: Brothers in sumo
Normally, brothers in sumo can't fight one another.
Dec 29, 2018
Heisei Era a bumpy ride for Japan's media organizations
The media is busy assessing the Heisei Era as it comes to a close. Although not as dramatic as the Showa Era, it's been a bumpy ride. Japan still hasn't gotten the hang of this democracy thing, and an engaged, objective press is essential to a functioning democracy. As the following rundown illustrates,...
Japan Times
Nov 7, 2018
Fujio Kariya recalls memorable moments in announcing career
For Fujio Kariya, NHK's executive commentator (the broadcaster's top news commentator), the most impressive bout in his 31-year career as an NHK sumo announcer took place at the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament in 1988.
Oct 31, 2018
Sumo dominance down to heart over matter
The newly-released banzuke (rankings) for the upcoming Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament see Hakuho back in his old familiar 'Yokozuna 1 East' position.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties