Tag - syria



Sep 18, 2013
Brace for another 'Afghanistan'
A military showdown over Syria has been averted for now but the proxy war that pits the United States and its allies against Russia is set to intensify.
Sep 17, 2013
Beijing sees a victory as UNSC role gets a boost
China has every right to be pleased with the U.S.-Russia agreement on Syria, which has returned the United Nations to center stage.
Sep 17, 2013
Obama didn't sell war hard enough
War is what America does best, war is what America does most. So why couldn't U.S. President Barack Obama get public support for a strike on Syria
Sep 17, 2013
Why the West misread Russia
Russian President Vladimir Putin's end goal in his Syrian diplomatic initiative is to put the U.S. back into the U.N. Security Council box.
Sep 17, 2013
New Syria agreement a big victory — for Assad
The real losers in the new Syrian agreement are the Syrian people, who will continue to be raped, tortured and slaughtered.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2013
Syrian deaths rise amid talks
As negotiations to avert a U.S. strike against Syria ramped up last week, so, too, did the action on the ground. Warplanes dropped bombs over far-flung Syrian towns that hadn't seen airstrikes in weeks, government forces went on the attack in the hotly contested suburbs of Damascus, rebels launched an...
Sep 15, 2013
U.S. can take in more than 33 Syrian refugees
The U.N. estimates that 7 million Syrians are displaced in their own country or refugees in other countries. The world must do more to help them.
Japan Times
Sep 15, 2013
Iraq, Libya loom over quest to rid nation of chemical arms
When Moammar Gadhafi renounced chemical weapons in 2003, the Libyan dictator surprised skeptics by moving quickly to eliminate his country's toxic arsenal. He signed international treaties, built a disposal facility and allowed inspectors to oversee the destruction of tons of mustard gas.
Sep 15, 2013
Shooting down five myths about cruise missiles
U.S. cruise missiles are no magical solution to the horror taking place in Syria.
Sep 12, 2013
Chemical arms: fact and fiction
Technological advances have made conventional weapons capable of leaving a greater trail of death and destruction than any poison gas.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2013
Kin of 9/11 victim calls for rethink on violence
Family members of Japanese killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks marked the 12th anniversary Wednesday at a ceremony in New York, with one expressing concern about the implications of a possible U.S. attack on Syria and calling for ending the cycle of hatred and retribution.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2013
If U.S. comes calling, will Abe back Syria strike?
With a comprehensive attempt under way to find a diplomatic solution in Syria, punitive U.S. military strikes planned for its alleged use of chemical weapons last month have been postponed after appearing imminent just a few days ago.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2013
U.S. ties in gulf at risk as Obama backs off
The United States risks damaging relations with Persian Gulf states as it warily embraces a Russian initiative for Syria to relinquish its chemical arsenal, analysts say, with Sunni monarchies fearful that the U.S. pullback from military strikes will bolster President Bashar Assad and the influence in...
Sep 11, 2013
Intervention for separation
Outside intervention in Syria should go even further and seek to separate the warring factions.
Sep 11, 2013
Syria presents a constitutional moment for U.S.
No congressional vote about Syria can damage the U.S. presidency as much as Barack Obama has done by overreaching.
Sep 11, 2013
Why the Syrian crisis matters for Japan
U.S. President Barack Obama's weeks of fumbling during the Syrian crisis may create dangerous uncertainties for Japan during the rest of his presidency.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2013
Securing Assad's chemical arsenal would be daunting task
As diplomats wrangled over competing plans for securing Syria's chemical weapons, arms-control experts warned Tuesday of the formidable challenges involved in carrying out such a complex and risky operation in the midst of a raging civil war.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2013
Syria debate twists Beltway playbook
Syria has utterly confounded the Washington political establishment, from the White House to the Capitol. There's no script for what's been happening. The usual political polarization, the simple calculus of R vs. D, has disintegrated into a tangle of uncomfortable alliances.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2013
Kerry's offhand remark on crisis has long reach
While making a case for military strikes in Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry became an inadvertent peacemaker this week, and highlighted the risks and rewards of a chief diplomat who loves to talk but does not love the talking point.
Sep 10, 2013
Right way to send a message
It's harder for the U.S. to claim legitimacy for circumventing U.N. paralysis, it has used the veto more often than China and Russia combined since the end of the Cold War.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals