Tag - syria



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 14, 2014
Obama, foreign military chiefs to thrash out plans to halt Islamic State advance
President Barack Obama was to hash out a strategy to counter the Islamic State group on Tuesday with military leaders from some 20 countries including Turkey and Saudi Arabia amid growing pressure on the U.S.-led coalition to do more to halt the militants' advance.
Oct 12, 2014
Let the neighbors take care of Islamic State's ambitions
President Barack Obama is channeling George W. Bush in launching a new war in the Middle East. Why is Washington involved? Let Iraq's and Syria's neighbors take care of Islamic State's ambitions.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2014
Kobani's fall would be symbolic setback for Obama Syria strategy
It's not a particularly strategic location, the United States and its allies never pledged to defend it, and few people outside the region had even heard of it before this month.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 11, 2014
Thousands will be massacred if jihadis take key Syrian-Turkish border town: U.N. envoy
Thousands of people most likely will be massacred if Kobani falls to Islamic State group fighters, a U.N. envoy said Friday, as militants fought deeper into the besieged Syrian-Kurdish town in full view of Turkish tanks that have done nothing to intervene.
Oct 10, 2014
Airstrikes don't stop Islamic State from taking wide area of Syrian town
Islamic State fighters seized more than a third of the Syrian border town of Kobani, a monitoring group said Thursday, as U.S.-led airstrikes failed to halt their advance and Turkish forces looked on without intervening.
Japan Times
Oct 9, 2014
FBI posts Islamic extremists' video in hunt for American terrorist
The FBI is asking the public to help turn one of the Islamic State's propaganda videos against it.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2014
Australian PM orders crackdown on visas for radical Islamist preachers
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday that he was ordering a crackdown to prevent radical Islamist preachers entering the country, amidst rising tension with the Muslim community following a series of security-related raids.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2014
Street fighting rages in key Kurdish town on Syria-Turkey border as Islamic State moves in
Street fighting raged between Kurdish defenders and Islamic State militants who advanced into Kobani on Monday after subjecting the Syrian border town to an assault lasting almost three weeks, a monitoring group said.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2014
Crime and gangs: the path to battle for Australia's Islamist radicals
The children of refugees who fled Lebanon's civil war for peaceful Australia in the 1970s form a majority of Australian militants fighting in the Middle East, according to about a dozen counterterrorism officials, security experts and Muslim community members.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2014
Turkish hospital gives glimpse of horrors of Islamic State's advance
Within minutes of the young woman being carried into the Turkish hospital just over the border from Syria, it became clear that her shattered skull, concealed by bloodied bandages, was too serious for the small state facility to treat.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2014
The 'evil' in Iraq and Syria
Questioning the use of force by the U.S. and its allies in response to the crisis in Iraq and Syria does not mean we should sit idly by as innocents continue to be killed and abused.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2014
Islamic State group continues to pound key Syrian border town
Islamic State forces shelled the Syrian border town of Kobani on Saturday and its Kurdish defenders said they were expecting a new assault to try to capture it.
Japan Times
Oct 4, 2014
Islamic State beheads second British hostage, issues video
Islamic State militants beheaded British aid worker Alan Henning in a video posted on Friday, triggering swift condemnation by the British and U.S. governments.
Sep 28, 2014
U.S. airstrike in Syria killed Khorasan Group leader al-Fadhli: jihadist
A Twitter account run by an al-Qaida member said the leader of the al-Qaida-linked Khorasan Group was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Syria, SITE monitoring service said Sunday, following several days of uncertainty over whether he survived the raid.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2014
More European nations embrace U.S.-led airstrikes on Islamic State
Fighters from the Islamic State group tightened their siege of a town on Syria's border with Turkey on Friday despite U.S.-led airstrikes aimed at defeating the militants in both Syria and Iraq, in a coalition that has now drawn widespread European support.
Sep 26, 2014
French, U.S. planes strike Islamic State; Britain to join coalition
French fighter jets struck Islamic State targets in Iraq on Thursday, and the United States hit them in Syria, as a U.S.-led coalition to fight the militants gained momentum with an announcement that Britain would join.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 26, 2014
Iran blames 'errors' of outsiders for rise of Islamic State
Iran President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday blamed the rise of the Islamic State group and other militants on the mistakes of the West and said the solution to stopping them must come from the Middle East.
Japan Times
Sep 25, 2014
Kurdish forces push back Islamic State in northern Syria
Kurdish forces in northern Syria pushed back an advance by Islamic State fighters toward a strategic town on the Turkish border Thursday and appealed for U.S.-led airstrikes to target the insurgents' tanks and heavy armaments.
Japan Times
Sep 25, 2014
Al-Qaida's Khorasan unit targets disaffected Muslims in the West to carry out attacks in U.S., Europe
The Khorasan Group is attracting hundreds of new followers in Syria, where its recruiting of disaffected Muslims in the U.S. and Europe makes it one of the most dangerous terrorist groups to America and its allies.


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