Tag - syria



Apr 11, 2018
As Syria tensions surge, Russian fighter jet buzzes French warship in breach of international law
Japan Times
Apr 11, 2018
Eurocontrol warns airlines to be cautious about possible airstrikes into Syria in next 72 hours
Pan-European air traffic control agency Eurocontrol on Tuesday warned airlines to exercise caution in the eastern Mediterranean due to the possible launch of air strikes into Syria in next 72 hours.
Japan Times
Apr 10, 2018
U.S. media never ever gives peace a chance
American political culture has devolved from the Vietnam era, when pacifists were marginalized, to a knee-jerk bellicosity in which they don't exist as part of the debate.
Japan Times
Apr 10, 2018
U.S. weighs multinational military response to Syria attack, sources say
The United States is weighing a multinational military response to the suspected Syrian poison gas attack, U.S. officials said Monday, as experts listed several key facilities that could be viable targets.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 9, 2018
Trump must back up Syria tough talk or risk hurting his position with North Korea: U.S. senator
U.S. President Donald Trump must follow through on his threat of a "big price to pay" after a suspected chemical attack in Syria, or risk losing credibility in dealings with North Korea and other U.S. adversaries, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2018
Rebel fighters, and hostages, begin leaving Syria's besieged Douma after weeks of bombardments
Rebel fighters began leaving the devastated Syrian city of Douma on Sunday in the first phase of a Russian-sponsored deal to evacuate thousands of rebels from the besieged enclave, state media said.
Apr 9, 2018
Syria gas attack reports just 'excuse' for military action by U.S. and its Western allies: Iran
Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Sunday reports of a gas attack in Syria were not based on facts and were an "an excuse" by the United States and Western countries to take military action against Damascus, the official Iranian news agency IRNA reported.
WORLD / Politics
Apr 9, 2018
UNSC expected to meet Monday on alleged Syria chemical attack
The United Nations Security Council is likely to meet Monday afternoon over the recent chemical attack in Syria at the request of the United States and several other members, diplomats said on Sunday.
Japan Times
Apr 8, 2018
Damascus denies being behind reported gas attack on civilians in Syrian rebel enclave of Ghouta
A Syrian rebel group accused government forces Saturday of dropping a barrel bomb containing poisonous chemicals on civilians in eastern Ghouta, and a medical relief organization said 41 people had been killed in chemical attacks on the area.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 2, 2018
GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham saysSyria troop exit would revive Islamic State
A senior Republican senator on Sunday warned U.S. President Donald Trump against pulling U.S. troops from Syria, saying it would lead to a resurgence of Islamic State and increased Iranian sway over the Syrian government in Damascus.
Japan Times
Mar 29, 2018
Tens of thousands of civilians trapped as Syrian army readies 'huge' assault on holdout rebels' last bastion
The Syrian army is preparing to launch a "huge" operation against the last rebel-held town in eastern Ghouta unless the Jaish al-Islam insurgent group agrees to hand over the area, a pro-Syrian government newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Mar 27, 2018
War crimes evidence in Syria so 'overwhelming' not all can be pursued: U.N.
War crimes investigators and activists have amassed an "overwhelming volume" of testimonies, images and videos documenting atrocities committed by all sides during Syria's war, a U.N. quasi-prosecutorial body said in its first report.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Mar 20, 2018
Syrian asylum-seekers' bid for refugee status rejected by Tokyo court
The Tokyo District Court on Tuesday rejected a lawsuit filed by two Syrian asylum-seekers — echoing the Immigration Bureau's decision not to grant them refugee status — in the first such court challenge in Japan since civil war broke out in the Middle Eastern nation in 2011.
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2018
Rebels in Syria's besieged eastern Ghouta discussing cease-fire with U.N.
The main rebel group in the southern pocket of Syria's opposition-held eastern Ghouta said on Sunday it was negotiating with a United Nations delegation about a cease-fire, aid and the evacuation of urgent medical cases.
Japan Times
Mar 16, 2018
Thousands join first mass flight from Syria's besieged eastern Ghouta as civilian deaths surge
Thousands of Syrian civilians fled from a rebel pocket in eastern Ghouta on Thursday, crossing by foot to army positions in the first mass exodus from the besieged enclave since Syrian government forces launched an assault to capture it a month ago.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2018
Sick and injured start leaving Syria's besieged Ghouta under rare medical evacuation
Sick and injured civilians left a rebel enclave in Syria's eastern Ghouta on Tuesday under the first medical evacuation since one of the deadliest assaults of the seven-year war began nearly a month ago.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2018
Convoy delivers food to Syria's besieged Ghouta amid shelling
A convoy of relief trucks crossed front lines into the rebel-held Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta on Friday and unloaded all its food for the trapped population, despite fighting that the Red Cross said had come "extremely close."
Japan Times
Mar 9, 2018
Rebels and civilians flee to last remaining pockets of Ghouta as Syria regime closes pincers
Syria's army is poised to slice rebel-held eastern Ghouta in two as forces advancing from the east link up with troops at its western edge, a pro-Damascus commander said on Thursday.
Japan Times
Mar 7, 2018
All 39 aboard confirmed killed in crash of Russian military plane at Syria base
A Russian military transport plane crashed in Syria on Tuesday, killing all 39 people on board, Russian officials said, an incident that sharply raised the death toll from the Kremlin's intervention in the Syrian war.
Japan Times
Mar 7, 2018
Bus 'conscience convoy' of 2,000 women heads to Syria to press for rights awareness
An international group of 2,000 women set off from Istanbul on Tuesday for Turkey's border with Syria, part of a "conscience convoy" to raise awareness of the plight of Syrian women after seven years of civil war.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?