Tag - syria



Japan Times
Dec 29, 2013
Syrian civil war tests borders drawn less than a century ago in Mideast
That half of his farm lies in Syria and half in Lebanon is a source of mystery and inconvenience for Mohammed al-Jamal, whose family owned the property long before Europeans turned up and drew the lines that created the borders of the modern Middle East.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2013
A look back at the year's top 10 world news stories
Japan Times editors selected these world stories as the most important of 2013.
Japan Times
Dec 22, 2013
All bets off as Syrian rebels fracture
The Bab al-Hawa crossing post sits under a low ridge on the Syrian-Turkish border, not far from the Turkish town of Reyhanli. There is a concrete canopy and a handful of buildings. It is important because of what lies not far away in the village of Babisqa — one of the main storage depots for the Supreme...
Japan Times
Dec 17, 2013
In Syria, jihadists train 'children of al-Qaida'
At first glance, the training camp appears no different from the many others shown in propaganda videos posted by al-Qaida's affiliate in Syria. Hooded recruits in camouflage shoot at targets or march in formation under the black flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Japan Times
Dec 4, 2013
Iran deal offers hope, peril for Middle East
A surge of diplomacy and an outburst of violence in the days since world powers reached a deal with Iran illustrate both the promise and the peril of what could be the start of a more peaceful era in the Middle East — or the beginning of a new round of bloodletting.
Nov 26, 2013
Hezbollah suffers blowback in Beirut bombings
The Sunni jihad in Syria has come to Beirut, and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and his Iranian masters have to accept that this is the war they made.
Japan Times
Nov 25, 2013
Moving Syria chemical arms proving tricky
World powers agreed that they wanted to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons program. But actually getting rid of the banned material could be far trickier and might require giving military-grade assistance to the Syrian government.
Nov 25, 2013
Iran deal could complicate U.S. foreign policy efforts in Mideast
As it continues to juggle balls through seemingly never-ending foreign policy crises, the Obama administration finally has brought one safely to ground, at least temporarily.
Japan Times
Nov 20, 2013
Deadly blasts in Lebanon linked to Syrian war, sectarian divisions
The debris-strewn, bloodstained street outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut lay as mute testimony of another dark day in Lebanon on Tuesday, when nearly two dozen people were killed in a double suicide bombing, the latest in a string of sectarian attacks to blight the country.
Nov 17, 2013
Turkey confronts policy missteps over Syria
A group affiliated with al-Qaida controls the road leading south into Syria from the key Kilis border crossing on the front line of the debacle that Turkey's Syria policy has become.
Japan Times
Nov 16, 2013
Syrian regime's battlefield gains complicate Geneva peace talks push
A string of Syrian government gains in the Damascus suburbs and mounting pressure on rebels in the north is likely to complicate Western efforts to persuade the opposition to attend planned peace talks, analysts say.
Japan Times
Nov 16, 2013
Albania refuses to accept Syria's chemical weapons
The agency in charge of destroying Syria's chemical weapons says it is on track to eliminate the entire stockpile next year, but for one hitch: It hasn't yet found a place to do the actual destruction.
Nov 4, 2013
Kurdish phoenix rises from ruins of Syria's war
The Kurds can't erase all the hurts of their modern history and those who choose to stay in Syria remain embattled, yet the isolation that had been their lot is now fading fast.
Nov 4, 2013
Assad loyalists gaining ground in civil war
Forces loyal to the Syrian government are taking advantage of deepening rifts among Syria's feuding rebels to advance into rebel-held territory in the northern part of the country, overturning some long-held assumptions about the war.
Nov 2, 2013
A growing vacuum in the Middle East
Every American should be aware of recent reports that describe the Obama administration's abdication of a leadership role in the Middle East and its serious consequences for U.S. national security interests.
Oct 28, 2013
Win-win except for Syrians
As chemical weapons inspectors go about their work in Syria, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Bashar Assad come out ahead. In fact everybody wins except the Syrians.
Japan Times
Oct 28, 2013
Al-Qaida affiliate shakes Iraq with surge of violence
Nearly two years after the U.S. troop withdrawal, Iraq is in the midst of a deepening security crisis as an al-Qaida affiliate wages a relentless campaign of attacks, sending the death toll soaring to its highest level since 2008.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2013
Syrian refugee crisis pushes fragile Lebanon closer to breaking point
As you come through the military checkpoints on the way into Wadi Khaled, local mobile phones bleep with an unsolicited text: "The Ministry of Tourism welcomes you to Syria."
Oct 25, 2013
A better way to end Syria's civil war
The political path to peace in Syria should give intimidated third-party groups a voice by bringing the many segments of society together, regardless of which side of the conflict they are on.


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