Tag - syria



JAPAN / Politics
Oct 2, 2015
Lobby group urges Japan to join peers by accepting more Syrian refugees
A group focused on the interests of refugees in Japan urges the government to take in more asylum seekers from Syria to avoid looking bad on the international stage.
Japan Times
Oct 2, 2015
Blindsided U.S. may not be able to defend CIA-trained Syrian rebels from Russian airstrikes
Already outgunned and outmanned in Syria's civil war, U.S.-backed rebels are facing a new and possibly even more serious threat to their survival: Russian airstrikes that Washington appears reluctant to thwart.
Oct 1, 2015
Russia stealthily deployed air assets to Syria: newspaper
The Kremlin covertly pre-positioned a fleet of attack aircraft in Syria in recent weeks, shipping in a fighting force for a possibly drawn-out air campaign, a leading Russian newspaper reported Thursday.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2015
World powers caught off guard by Russian sorties in Syria
Russia President Vladimir Putin's sudden escalation of airstrikes inside Syria is forcing the world to confront his latest military adventure, against a backdrop of deep distrust over whether defeating the Islamic State is his only goal.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2015
Russia begins airstrikes in Syria, warns U.S. to steer clear; civilian casualties reported
Russia launched airstrikes in Syria on Wednesday in the Kremlin's biggest Middle East intervention in decades, but Moscow's assertion that it had hit Islamic State was immediately disputed by the United States and rebels on the ground.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 30, 2015
Russian parliament grants Putin right to deploy troops in Syria
The Russian parliament on Wednesday unanimously granted President Vladimir Putin the right to deploy the country's military in Syria, a move a top Kremlin aide said related only to the air force.
JAPAN / Society
Sep 30, 2015
Before taking in any Syria refugees, Japan must improve conditions for women, seniors: Abe
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Tuesday that Japan needed to improve conditions for its own people, including women and the elderly, before accepting any refugees from Syria.
Sep 29, 2015
U.S., Russia agree Syria must be united and secular
The United States and Russia agree on "some fundamental principles" for Syria, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday, adding that he planned to meet again with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2015
Rebuilding the asylum system imperative for EU
Europe needs a comprehensive plan to respond to the growing influx of refugees, rather than each nation responding selfishly focused on its own interests.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 28, 2015
Cameron says Assad can't be part of Syria's 'long-term' future, should be tried as criminal
Bashar Assad should face a criminal trial, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said, while keeping open the possibility the Syrian president could temporarily remain in power to oversee a transition to a more inclusive government.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2015
Syrian rebel group plays down al-Qaida ties, looks to play bigger role in country
When an explosion killed almost all of its leaders in a single blow last year, many thought it was the end for Ahrar al-Sham, a powerful Syrian insurgent group founded by members loyal to al-Qaida.
Japan Times
Sep 25, 2015
Putin's play: setting up Assad to sell him out
Vladimir Putin is looking for leverage with the West, and Syria is one place where Russia could help the U.S. and Europe achieve a necessary objective — an end to the civil war.
Sep 25, 2015
Japan to provide ¥480 million in aid for Syrian refugee crisis
The Foreign Ministry said Friday that Japan will provide via international organizations approximately ¥480 million ($4 million) in emergency aid to Lebanon and some European countries affected by the influx of migrants and refugees.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 25, 2015
Obama, Putin will meet in New York but sides disagree on whether Ukraine, Syria top agenda
U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in New York next week at a time of high tension in Europe and the Middle East, but the Kremlin and the White House differed on Thursday over the top priority for the talks.
Sep 23, 2015
The enemy of my enemy
If Russia can help end the civil war in Syria, then the rest of the world must be ready to work with it to resolve this crisis.
Sep 23, 2015
Syrian rebels say Russian involvement will escalate and prolong war
Rebels who have inflicted big losses on Syrian President Bashar Assad say Russia's intervention in support of its ally will only lead to an escalation of the war and may encourage their Persian Gulf Arab backers to pour in more military aid.
Japan Times
Sep 23, 2015
Russian aircraft in Syria consistent with 'force protection' but Moscow's intent unclear: Kerry
The U.S. military has assessed that the type of Russian aircraft in Syria is consistent with protecting their own forces, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday and called on Russia and Iran to be helpful in ending the four-year conflict.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2015
Syrian war spurs first withdrawal from doomsday Arctic seed vault
Syria's civil war has prompted the first withdrawal of seeds from a "doomsday" vault built in an Arctic mountainside to safeguard global food supplies, officials said on Monday.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2015
Among flood of refugees, Syrians see impostors
Love brought Nizar Shoukry from his native Syria to Croatia and eventually a dental practice in the border town of Tovarnik. Thirty years later, war is bringing his countrymen, in a chaotic, desperate tide flowing past Shoukry's door en route to Germany and a promise of asylum.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 22, 2015
Fabius says France has softened stance regarding Assad departure
France will not demand Syrian President Bashar Assad's departure as a precondition for peace talks, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Le Figaro newspaper in an interview.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals