Tag - syria



Japan Times
Jan 5, 2019
U.S. says no timeline for Syria withdrawal as 'final blows' continue
The United States has no timeline for the withdrawal of American troops from Syria but does not plan to stay indefinitely, a senior State Department official said on Friday, sending a strong signal that U.S. forces could stay until the fight against Islamic State militants is over.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2019
'America First' puts Syria last
The Syria departure may be even more damaging than past U.S. premature declarations of victory because Trump has no idea what he is doing.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2019
U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters seen quitting flash-point Syrian area near Manbij
A convoy of Syrian Kurdish fighters has pulled out of the flash-point area of Manbij in northern Syria, close to territory controlled by Turkey, Syria's defense ministry said on Wednesday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 31, 2018
GOP senator more upbeat on Syria troop pullout after Trump assures him Islamic State will fall first
A senior Republican U.S. senator said he emerged from a White House meeting with President Donald Trump on Sunday reassured that Trump is committed to defeating Islamic State even as he plans to withdraw American troops from Syria.
Japan Times
Dec 28, 2018
Syrian army advances as Russia and allies position for U.S. pullout
Syrian government forces rolled into a key region held by U.S.-backed Kurds, winning praise from Russia and heading off a threatened Turkish advance as Moscow and its allies move quickly to fill the void left by a planned U.S. pullout.
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2018
From a harrowing experience in Iraq to youth mentorship: Noriaki Imai dedicates his life to helping at-risk teens
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2018
Trump abandons the cheese to escape the Syria mousetrap
Western interference has worsened the pathology of broken, corrupt and dysfunctional politics from Afghanistan to North Africa.
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2018
America's New Year's gift to Russia, Iran and Turkey
The U.S. military presence in Syria is central to the stability of the region.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2018
Trump gives Turkey a double-edged gift
The withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria and the offer of Patriot missile-defense systems could make things awkward for Ankara.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 21, 2018
Trump mulls major Afghanistan troop withdrawal, seen growing impatient with interventions
President Donald Trump is considering significantly drawing down troops from Afghanistan, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Thursday, in the latest sign his patience is thinning both with America's longest war and overseas military interventions, generally.
Japan Times
Dec 21, 2018
U.S. expected to end air war against Islamic State in Syria, alarming allies, Kurd partners
The United States will likely end its air campaign against Islamic State in Syria when it pulls out troops, U.S. officials said, sealing an abrupt reversal of policy that has alarmed Western allies as well as Washington's Kurdish battle partners.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2018
Parents of American journalist kidnapped in Syria in 2012 appeal to U.S., Syria
The parents of an American journalist kidnapped in Syria six years ago appealed on Tuesday for the United States and Syria to work together to find their son and said they had applied for Syrian visas to lobby there for his release.
Nov 19, 2018
Syrian army advances against Islamic State holdouts in southeastern desert
Hundreds of Islamic State militants withdrew from the heart of a rugged area in southeastern Syria after holding up for over three months against a major campaign by the Syrian army and its allies to crush them, rebels and residents said on Sunday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 14, 2018
Chemical arms team to assign blame for Syrian attacks despite Russia, Iran opposition
The global chemical weapons watchdog will in February begin to assign blame for attacks with banned munitions in Syria's war, using new powers approved by member states but opposed by Damascus and its key allies Russia and Iran.
Japan Times
Nov 12, 2018
U.S.-backed Syrian force resumes ground assault on Islamic State
The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces said on Sunday it had resumed a ground assault against Islamic State in its last foothold near the Iraqi border, following the suspension of the offensive last month after Turkish shelling of northern Syria.
Japan Times
Nov 10, 2018
Japan's news outlets weigh in on Jumpei Yasuda's culpability in Syria kidnapping
Freelance reporter Jumpei Yasuda gave a three-hour news conference at the Japan National Press Club on Nov. 2 about his hostage ordeal, describing in detail how he was kidnapped after entering Syria in 2015 and then held for more than three years. He also discussed the situation in the Middle East and...
Japan Times
Nov 2, 2018
Freed journalist Jumpei Yasuda expresses gratitude, apologizes over Syria ordeal
Journalist Jumpei Yasuda, who returned to Japan last month after being held by militants in Syria for more than three years, said Thursday that he did not hold any grudge toward the Japanese government over his ordeal.
Japan Times
Oct 29, 2018
With border reopened, Jordanians flock to Syria for first time in years for trade, tourism
Jordanians are flocking to the Syrian capital Damascus for the first time in years for tourism and trade after the reopening of a border crossing that had been closed through years of war.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
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