Tag - surveys



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 19, 2022
Japan Inc. turns against BOJ's monetary stimulus, survey shows
This year's rapid slide in the yen to a two-decade low has jacked up prices of fuel and raw materials imports, lifting corporate costs.
Japan Times
May 6, 2022
Japanese factories in Shanghai still shut despite city’s assurances
Almost two-thirds of factories haven't resumed any production yet, while another 28% are running at less than 30% capacity.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2022
As multiple crises unfold, Kishida forges a path to popularity
The prime minister's early success may be in part due to circumstances, but shrewd political maneuvering and quick decision-making have also played a role.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Apr 14, 2022
Three-quarters of Japan firms bemoan current yen weakness as bad for business
A survey also showed almost 60% think the government should move quickly to restart nuclear reactors, evidence that higher energy costs may be changing opinion on nuclear policy.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?