Tag - surveys



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 18, 2023
Kishida Cabinet's approval rate rises to 38.2% in Jiji poll
As the disapproval rate dropped 4.5 points to 31.8%, support surpassed disapproval for the first time in nine months, according to a Jiji Press survey.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
May 8, 2023
Japanese companies split over post-pandemic remote working
Some major companies have been shifting back to working at the office in principle. Others are cautious about fully returning to an office-based work style.
Japan Times
May 4, 2023
Almost half of young people in Japan have had suicidal thoughts, survey finds
About 56% of those who had suicidal thoughts did not speak to anyone about it, while 12.4% of people said they opened up to friends and 11.7% to their mothers.
Japan Times
May 1, 2023
Depressive tendencies among children grew during pandemic in Japan
By contrast, an improvement in depressive conditions was observed among the parents of the children.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 1, 2023
Support for Kishida tops 50% amid speculation of early election
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s Cabinet saw its support rate rise to more than 50% in a Nikkei newspaper poll for the first time in eight months.
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2023
Over 60% say they always wear masks when going out
By prefecture, respondents in Hiroshima spend the longest time with their masks on.
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2023
Foreign residents projected to make up 10% of Japan’s shrinking population in 2070
Japan’s population has been in decline since 2009, after peaking the year before at 128 million, and the downward trend is likely to continue.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 20, 2023
Most BOJ watchers expect Ueda to hold policy at first meeting
Almost 40% of economists see June as the most likely time for a policy change, largely in line with the previous survey last month.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?