Tag - south-korea



Japan Times
Jan 16, 2015
Korean troops take part in exercises
Winter drills on either side of the demilitarized zone underscore the fragility of a potential thaw between North Korea and South Korea after Kim Jong Un raised the possibility of a summit.
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2015
Fukushima meltdowns pervade Korean debate on extending reactor life
South Korea's nuclear regulator may decide as soon as today whether to extend the operating license for the Wolsong No. 1 nuclear reactor, the first to come up for renewal since the 2011 Fukushima disaster in neighboring Japan.
Jan 13, 2015
S. Korea nuclear hack ups aging reactor risks
The hacking of South Korea's nuclear operator means the country's second-oldest reactor may be shut permanently due to safety concerns, said several nuclear watchdog commissioners, raising the risk that other aging reactors may also be closed.
Jan 12, 2015
Koreans need to stay outraged over 'nut-rage'
The Heather Cho kerfuffle — involving 'nut-rage' aboard a Korean Air fligh — offers the South Korean news media a chance to right a political system that has veered off course.
Japan Times
Jan 12, 2015
South Korea's Park ready to meet North's Kim without conditions
South Korean President Park Geun-hye said she is willing to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and the country's nuclear weapons program wouldn't be an obstacle to holding the first Korean summit since 2007.
Jan 7, 2015
Don't duck war responsibility
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must carefully consider the impact of his upcoming war anniversary message to avoid damaging ties with China and South Korea.
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 6, 2015
Suga downplays U.S. comments on upcoming WWII statement
The Liberal Democratic Party will step up efforts this year to revise the Constitution, a long-cherished goal of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 2, 2015
All eyes on Abe for war's 70th anniversary
As the 70th anniversary of the war looms, the world will be waiting to see how the Japanese government chooses to remember its misdeeds, with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's statement under the microscope.
Jan 2, 2015
South Korea says it is open to a 'candid discussion' with North Korea
Any talks between the leaders of North Korea and South Korea must be held without preconditions, the government in Seoul said Friday, a day after Kim Jong Un raised the possibility of a summit.
Jan 2, 2015
With steady jobs scarce, South Korean students linger on campus
It's been a year since Seoul media and communications student Lee Woong-hee finished his studies, but the 26-year-old plans to skip his class graduation ceremony in February because he thinks retaining his student status will help him finally land a job.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?