Tag - south-america



Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro delivers a speech during a rally to celebrate the results of last month's presidential election, in Caracas on Aug. 28.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 9, 2024
Venezuela’s repression campaign gets Maduro what he wants, for now
While Nicolás Maduro has clung to power at all costs, the path he has chosen is also one of diplomatic and economic isolation.
Daihatsu President Masahiro Inoue
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 24, 2024
Daihatsu’s new president sees potential in Africa and South America
Masahiro Inoue pointed at strong demand for compact cars in those markets due to a prevalence of narrow roads.
Researchers have developed a new method to analyze climate history and their findings align with current climate models.
Aug 6, 2023
Science offers closer look at the Medieval Warming Period
Medieval Warming Period saw a population boom in Europe and the collapse of civilizations in the Americas
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2023
Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 13 deaths reported
The initial quake was followed by two weaker aftershocks in the following hour, according to the Geophysics Institute of Ecuador.
Japan Times
Feb 11, 2023
Uprooted: Amazonian Siekopai people battle for return to ancestral land
Displaced by decades of war, the Siekopai Indigenous peoples eke out a living doing odd jobs as they fight to return to their home in the Amazon rainforest.
Japan Times
Jan 30, 2023
Germany's Olaf Scholz visits South America in race with China for lithium
Nations like Germany are competing fiercely for increasingly scarce resources, and access to metals and rare earths is crucial for the transition to cleaner and more advanced economies.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 2, 2022
Malaria surges in the Amazon as wildcat mining devours Indigenous land
Miners leave behind gaping craters in the ground as they clear huge tracts of forest, creating ideal conditions for the spread of malaria.
Japan Times
Feb 18, 2022
How China's willingness to work locally beat out the U.S. to dominate South America
Instead of focusing on national leaders, China and its companies have built relationships from the ground up.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2019
The politics of frustration in Latin America
All over Latin America, public patience is wearing thin, with violence in Chile and the return to power of Peronists in Argentina. For almost 40 years, leaders and voters have struggled to realign economies with global markets, leavening the adjustment with social policies to protect the worst-off. Center-right...
Japan Times
Jul 18, 2019
Princess Mako attends anniversary ceremony in Bolivia
Princess Mako on Wednesday attended a commemoration in Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, to mark the 120th anniversary of the arrival of Japanese immigrants to the South American country.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Feb 20, 2019
Ford to close oldest plant in Brazil, cut 2,700 jobs and exit South America truck biz
Ford Motor Co. said on Tuesday it will close its oldest factory in Brazil and exit its heavy commercial truck business in South America, a move that could cost more than 2,700 jobs as part of a restructuring meant to end losses around the world.
May 23, 2018
Pirate attacks grow in South America and Caribbean: report
Pirate attacks around South American and Caribbean waters are growing, and violence is increasingly used during robberies committed on vessels at anchor, a report showed on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Jan 14, 2018
Magnitude 7.1 quake rocks southern Peru, leaving two dead and 17 missing
A strong magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck the coast of southern Peru on Sunday morning, leaving two dead, 17 missing and several dozen injured, while causing homes and roads to collapse.
Jan 3, 2016
In Zika, Brazilians face a modern-day plague
The Zika virus has infected at least half a million Brazilians since May.
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2015
Pope heads home to Rome after urging youth in Paraguay to help their peers, seek dignity
Pope Francis, drawing to a close his three-country tour of South America, on Sunday urged tens of thousands of youths in Paraguay to look after their less fortunate peers and fight for a dignified life filled with hope and strength.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 24, 2014
Easter Island's ancient inhabitants weren't so lonely after all
They lived on a remote dot of land in the middle of the Pacific, 3,700 km west of South America and 1,770 km from the closest island, erecting huge stone figures that still stare enigmatically from the hillsides.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Jun 12, 2014
The world could be your oyster in Aichi
In Peru, the largest Incan festival, Inti Raymi (Festival of Sun), takes place on June 25 in honor of Inti, the sun god. In Japan, those in Aichi Prefecture on June 14 and 15 can celebrate, too, by enjoying performances by the Andean folk trio Ekekos, who will honor Inti by playing traditional panflutes...
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2014
'Ethical' gold mines tried in South America
Tucked between two desert ridges in southern Peru, Relave looks like any of the hundreds of ramshackle mining towns that blight the landscape in the world's sixth-largest gold exporter.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly