Tag - shuji-nakamura



Oct 24, 2014
Patent law must retain incentives
As the government drafts amendments to the patent law, the question is how effective the new rules will be in ensuring fair corporate remuneration to inventors so that they keep their engineering talent in Japan to enhance the nation's industrial competitiveness.
Oct 14, 2014
Japan's Nobel win should spur Abe to action
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been quiet on one reform that truly would encourage the risk-taking culture Japan needs so badly: making sure employees get paid for their inventions.
Oct 8, 2014
Ingenuity key to Nobel success
The achievements of Nobel winners Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura highlight why scientific freedom and daring research should be encouraged in Japan.
Jan 13, 2005
Inventor of blue LED angry with settlement
The inventor of the blue light-emitting diode said Wednesday he was forced to settle with Nichia Corp. out of court for ¥843 million over the diode patent.
Jan 9, 2005
Settlement in blue LED patent suit could reach 1.5 billion yen
Nichia Corp. and former researcher Shuji Nakamura are negotiating a settlement worth ¥500 million  to ¥1.5 billion over their high-profile dispute on the patent for the blue light-emitting diode, according to sources familiar with the lawsuit.
Dec 25, 2004
Blue LED case may end out of court
The Tokyo High Court recommended that a 50-year-old researcher and Nichia Corp., his former employer, settle their dispute over the blue light-emitting diode patent without any court ruling.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jul 25, 2004
Cashing in on ideas
Thomas Edison's electricity, Alexander Graham Bell's telephone, the Wright Brothers' creaky biplane, H.G. Wells' time machine (OK, that last one hasn't happened yet), but through these world-changing discoveries, our daily lives have been made easier. Flick a switch and light banishes the darkness, pick...
Mar 7, 2004
Nichia deposits ¥10 billion in spat over patent royalties
Chemical maker Nichia Corp. deposited ¥10 billion at the Justice Ministry after a court approved its request to block the execution of a January ruling ordering it to pay ¥20 billion  to the inventor of a key semiconductor device, Nichia officials said Saturday.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2002
Court dismisses inventor's patent claim but will consider reward
The Tokyo District Court on Thursday acknowledged Nichia Corp.'s ownership of the patent for a key semiconductor device, rejecting a suit filed by the inventor, now a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Jan 22, 2002
Inventor hopes lawsuit over diode empowers peers
Shuji Nakamura is confident that his court battle can radically change the relationship between Japanese companies and their in-house inventors.
Aug 21, 2001
Electronics firms wage battle of the rays
KYOTO -- Kyoto-based Rohm Corp., one of Japan's largest makers of electronic components, is locked in a legal wrangle with Nichia Corp. of Anan, Tokushima Prefecture, over patents related to blue light-emitting diodes and blue lasers.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly