Tag - shinto



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 8, 2016
Political party says 'give medical pot a chance'
Japan prides itself on having a low tolerance for guns and drugs, but a tiny political party has become the first to adopt an election pledge of scrapping the research ban on medical use of marijuana.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2016
Western media cherry-pick facts and phalli to fit the 'no vagina' narrative in Japan
In Western media coverage of Megumi Igarashi's case, a commonly expressed view has been that Japanese society suppresses vaginal art while celebrating all that is penile. This view is untenable.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 26, 2016
Abe's pro-Shinto motives in spotlight with choice of G-7 opening ceremony venue
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe looked satisfied as he met top leaders from the Group of Seven countries at the gate to a giant Shinto-style wooden bridge.
JAPAN / Politics
May 25, 2016
Abe treads fine line in Ise Shrine tour as Shinto religion faces challenges
Ise Shrine is considered one of the holiest sites in Shinto, a faith whose rituals have been woven into Japan's culture for centuries.
Japan Times
May 4, 2016
Foreign priests find a spiritual home in Shinto
Though few and far between, a handful of non-natives are blazing a trail in Japan's ancient native faith.
Japan Times
Jan 1, 2016
Spirits and turnout high as New Year's crowds throng to shrines and temples
People wishing to make a fresh start on New Year's flocked to major shrines and temples across the archipelago Friday morning in the annual ritual known as hatsumode (first visit of the year).
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 24, 2015
Meiji Shrine: grounds to ring in the year
As a relatively new place of worship, established less than a century ago in 1920, Meiji Shrine was originally based around the concept of wakonyu014dsai — a belief that treasured the Japanese 'soul,' while still embracing influences from the West. Its unusual omikuji, therefore, is not the only unique feature of the shrine.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 24, 2015
Getting the year's first prayer in
Whether we are Buddhists, followers of Shintoism or atheists, the first thing many Japanese do on ganjitsu (New Year's Day) is go to their local shrine or temple for hatsumōde, a symbolic first visit of the year. If it's not done on Jan. 1, it will likely happen shortly after.
BUSINESS / Japan Pulse
Aug 6, 2015
Smart absolutions: Send off your sins with just one click
The two-step method to purification.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Jul 3, 2015
Rice organization uses fried food and folklore to revive a Shinto purification ritual
Traditions are just innovations that happened to catch on. Culinary traditions are no different. Some self-organize out of circumstance, such as yakisoba (literally "fried noodles"), which triumphantly emerged as the iconic food of summer festivals in large part thanks to a particular combination of...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 12, 2014
Abe's base aims to restore past religious, patriotic values
As Prime Minister Shinzo Abe promises voters a bright future for Japan's economy, key parts of his conservative base want him to steer the nation back toward a traditional ethos mixing Shinto myth, patriotism and pride in the ancient Imperial line.
Nov 26, 2014
Seeking Japan's gods and nobles in roots, stone and moss
If you've had a hankering to go hiking with Shinto deities, why not try the Kumano Kodo trail in Wakayama Prefecture?
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2014
Aichi mountains provide dramatic setting for terra-cotta amphitheater
In the mountains of Mihama, Aichi Prefecture, a curious art space is emerging. Ceramics artists Ximena Elgueda and Steven Ward are building "The Mountain Plaza," a terra-cotta amphitheater.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan