Tag - sex-crimes-3



WORLD / Society
Nov 20, 2015
Tech-savvy sex traffickers stay ahead of authorities as lure teens online
When Nicole was age 17 and her mother was sent to prison for white collar crimes, she met a man on Facebook who offered to take care of her.
Japan Times
Nov 15, 2015
Revision of Japan's archaic sex crime laws falling short: critics
Mika Kobayashi was 24 and bicycling home from work on a western Tokyo street on Aug. 31, 2000, when a young man drove up and asked for directions. To see his map, she dismounted and leaned in toward the driver's seat.
Nov 7, 2015
Child porn law remains too lax
Despite revisions last year, Japan's child pornography laws remain weak and their enforcement lax.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 7, 2015
Large-scale sexting at Colorado high school results in criminal probe, suspensions
Widespread circulation of hundreds of sexually explicit photos among students at a Colorado high school via text messages has triggered a criminal investigation, multiple suspensions and the forfeiture of a football game, officials said on Friday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Nov 4, 2015
High school student launches product to deter train gropers
Packed rush hour trains, delays and unpleasant odors — all familiar headaches for seasoned rail riders. Yet for some, the daily commute includes a more sinister threat: gropers.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Oct 26, 2015
U.N. rapporteur urges crackdown on impunity for child sex offenders
Japan must stamp out the impunity granted to people who sexually exploit children, including light sentences and the reluctance to prosecute, to overcome the nation's "institutional" tolerance for such crimes, a U.N. expert said Monday in Tokyo.
Oct 21, 2015
Groups criticize Japan's tolerance of child pornography, call for stricter laws
Dismayed at entrenched child pornography in Japan, organizations petition the welfare minister to crack down on the sexual abuse of minors.
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Oct 21, 2015
Indonesia to use chemical castration to punish pedophiles
Indonesia's president will soon sign a decree authorizing the use of chemical castration to punish pedophiles, the attorney general said, following a string of headline-grabbing child sex crimes.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Sep 30, 2015
Landmark ruling in favor of victimized porn actress paves way for others to quit, lawyers say
A recent landmark court ruling in favor of a porn actress desperate to quit the industry paves the way for others to cut ties with the world of commercial sex without fear of penalties, lawyers said Tuesday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Aug 29, 2015
Jury finds former New Hampshire prep school student not guilty in rape case
A former student of an elite New Hampshire prep school was found not guilty Friday of raping a 15-year-old girl days before graduation last year in a case that cast a harsh spotlight on the school's culture.
Aug 20, 2015
Tougher penalties for sex crimes
The Justice Ministry is looking at increasing the minimum prison term for rape and making it possible to bring charges against sex crime suspects without a formal victim complaint.
Aug 3, 2015
India orders clampdown on Internet porn, sparks censorship debate
India has blocked hundreds of adult websites to prevent pornography becoming a social nuisance, a government official said Monday, sparking a debate about censorship and freedom in the world's largest democracy.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Jul 10, 2015
Child sex abuse victim says ruling underlines need to change law
The case of a woman in her 40s who successfully sued her childhood molester has underscored the need for Japan to grant sexual abuse survivors longer statutes of limitations, her lawyers say.
Jul 5, 2015
'Affirmative consent' will make rape laws worse
Proposed legal reforms in the U.S. intended to make it easier to prosecute sexual assault are eerily totalitarian and would go too far.
Japan Times
Jun 19, 2015
Some of the world's cities take baby steps to protect women
Going out for dinner and not sure which area would be safer at night for a woman traveling on her own? Want to track your daughter to ensure she gets back from college safely?
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 22, 2015
Suspect at large in slaying of Missouri woman kept in a box
A Missouri woman who escaped captivity from a wooden box three weeks ago was found dead in a home on Thursday, along with her teenage son, and police are searching for the man suspected both of locking her up and killing her.
Japan Times
Apr 29, 2015
A child rape at St. Mary's school in Tokyo, then a 50-year wait for closure
My dear children, whom Jesus, our Saviour, has loved so much, whom he bends down to embrace and bless, come to us, stay with us. We will be the guardian angels of your innocence.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?