Tag - security



Japan Times
Jul 3, 2020
Hong Kong brokers are already reading from Beijing’s script
Some worry that the national security law will compromise analysts' credibility. It's a bit late for that.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / World / Geoeconomic Briefing
Jul 3, 2020
Internet holds the key to the post-coronavirus era
Ability to put innovation into practice determines recovery of virus-hit economy
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2020
Hong Kong national security law: Is China aiming to save the golden goose?
Japan needs to continue to convey to Beijing that the new national security law must be carefully implemented to ensure the 'One country, two systems' model stays intact.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2020
Japan’s challenges balancing national security and economics
National security and economic interests are perhaps more tightly bound together than ever before.
Japan Times
May 11, 2020
National security is in the eye of the beholder
National security is being used as a respectable veneer for otherwise legally questionable actions.
Japan Times
Apr 1, 2020
NSC change prepares Japan for new global realities
Japan is moving toward a wiser decision-making process when it comes to key security questions.
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2020
Reforming Japan's social security system
Rebuilding Japan's fiscal health will be impossible without overhauling the social security system.
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2020
60 years on, alliance with U.S. still Japan's best option
Japan has no other practical choice except to maintain the security alliance with the U.S.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2020
In the next war, soldiers will leave their smartphones at home
The U.S. and its allies have become used to being able to use whatever devices and communications they wished since the Berlin Wall fell. Those days are ending fast.
Jan 20, 2020
The state of the Japan-U.S. alliance at 60
Over the longer term, the alliance must cope with a growing sense of fatigue among the U.S. public about overseas engagements.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets / the Argument: foreign investment
Jan 6, 2020
Will tighter foreign exchange law make Japan secure?
The Argument is a feature dedicated to promoting dialogue and deeper understanding of contentious issues by introducing various viewpoints.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets / the Argument: foreign investment
Jan 6, 2020
Japan's foreign exchange law: New curbs on global investors won't serve Japan's broader national interests
The Argument is a feature dedicated to promoting dialogue and deeper understanding of contentious issues by introducing various viewpoints.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets / the Argument: foreign investment
Jan 6, 2020
Japan's foreign exchange law: Stricter investment rules a boon to allies, economic security
The Argument is a feature dedicated to promoting dialogue and deeper understanding of contentious issues by introducing various viewpoints.
Jan 3, 2020
One reported killed, several wounded as Katyusha rockets fall on Baghdad airport premises
Three Katyusha rockets fell on Baghdad International Airport, the military-run Security Media Cell said in a statement early on Friday.
Japan Times
Nov 25, 2019
Australia probes 'deeply disturbing' allegations of Chinese political interference
Australia's domestic spy agency is investigating whether China tried to install an agent in federal Parliament in what Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday called "deeply disturbing" allegations.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?