Tag - sealds



JAPAN / Politics
Jun 24, 2017
Watch what you do and say: Broader ramifications of the new conspiracy law cause concern
"Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order ... and the like." — U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Douglas, 1970
Japan Times
CULTURE / Music / Sound Off
May 4, 2017
Politics and pop: a perfect pairing
It's official: You can't escape politics in America. On a recent trip to Seattle, everyone I spoke to wanted to talk about President Donald Trump. Fittingly, the 2017 edition of the Museum of Pop Culture's Pop Conference, which I was invited to speak at, took on a political theme with "Sign O' The Times:...
Japan Times
Oct 29, 2016
Are Japanese really 'docile'?: challenging an enduring myth
A common perception abroad is that Japanese society is docile. This is partly thanks to Western writers who tried to create a single profile of the Japanese in the early to mid-20th century, such as Ruth Benedict in her 1946 book "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword." Today, this dangerous myth of consensus...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 16, 2016
SEALDs leaves door open for future activities
A day after the breakup of SEALDs, Japan's iconic pro-democracy students' group, members left the door open Tuesday for similar initiatives in the future.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 14, 2016
SEALDs to disband but founder says political activism just beginning
One of Japan's leading liberal youth groups is coming to an end after kick-starting what it hopes will become a new generation of political leaders.
Japan Times
Aug 7, 2016
Injecting a little music into Japanese politics
"Let's not put politics into music."
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 21, 2016
SEALDs leader's invite to Fuji Rock sparks online debate
A controversy has broken out on social media after the name of a high-profile youth activist appeared last week on the list of artists attending this year's Fuji Rock Festival.
Jan 3, 2016
Battles over history, the media and the message scar 2015
A rundown of the top 10 human rights issues of the past year as they affected non-Japanese residents.
Jan 2, 2016
Seeing 2015 through a fragmented media lens
Media literacy means understanding that objective reality is impossible to comprehend, and that the best you can do to make sense of the world is to know how to interpret signals. Part of that process is identifying what's at stake: Newspapers and broadcasters have parties they think they need to please,...
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2015
Can democracy survive the rise of the right?
"What," demanded a protesting student at the height of the summer of protests just past, "is to become of democracy?"
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2015
SEALDs members' next step — launching a think tank
Members of the student group that ignited a massive wave of youth protests last summer against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's security bills are embarking on a new project.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 28, 2015
Anti-war student organization to close shop after Upper House poll
SEALDs, the group behind youth protests against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's security legislation, announces it will disband after next year's Upper House election.
Japan Times
Oct 28, 2015
OVERSEAs Japanese show solidarity with activists back home
OVERSEAs is a loose collective that aims to unite Japanese-speaking people who want to support specific domestic causes from outside the country.
Oct 26, 2015
Bookstore's Twitter account supporting 'pro-democracy book fair' ignites online controversy
An "unofficial" Twitter account operated by a Tokyo bookstore employee that promoted a "pro-democracy book fair" has sparked an online controversy, resulting in cancellation of the event by the chain's head office.
Japan Times
Oct 24, 2015
Media vultures circle over battered SEALDs
That's it? It's over?


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