Tag - rodrigo-duterte



Japan Times
Aug 24, 2016
Duterte wants talks with China on sea dispute 'within the year'
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Tuesday he expects talks with China on their South China Sea dispute within a year, adding that he will not raise an international ruling rejecting China's claims there when he attends a regional summit next month.
Aug 23, 2016
Only the Philippines has to worry about Duterte
Human rights, the rule of law and the United Nations are getting short shrift in the war on drugs launched by 'Duterte Harry.'
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Aug 23, 2016
Spate of killings in Philippines rises to 1,900; not all drug-related, top cop says
The Philippines' national police chief said Tuesday that about 1,900 people had been killed during a crackdown on illegal drugs, which began seven weeks ago when President Rodrigo Duterte took power, but about 40 were not drug-related.
Japan Times
Aug 23, 2016
Beyond war on drugs, Philippines' Duterte seen setting up economic boom
Less than two months in office, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is getting high marks from the business community for policies that could engineer an economic surge and companies say they are making new investments as a result.
Aug 20, 2016
Philippine government agrees new truce with Maoist-led rebels
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has agreed to a new cease-fire with Maoist-led guerrillas, who declared a truce several hours before, ahead of fresh peace talks in Norway next week, a senior administration official said on Saturday.
Jul 28, 2016
Philippines sets the ball rolling for federal system
The Philippines is paving the way to shift to a federal form of government by 2022, after President Rodrigo Duterte agreed with the leaders of Congress to set up a body to amend the constitution, the speaker of the house said on Thursday.
Jul 20, 2016
Duterte to focus on domestic affairs for now
Despite his bravado and lack of clear signals on foreign policy, the Philippine's new leader is unlikely to be a destabilizing force in regional international politics, at least for now.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2016
Thirty killed in four days in Philippine war on drugs
Thirty "drug dealers" were killed in the first four days after Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as Philippine president on June 30, police said, announcing the seizure of nearly $20 million worth of narcotics but sparking anger from a lawyers' group.
Japan Times
Jun 29, 2016
Spike in police-linked killings feared as Duterte takes power in Manila
Two things catch the eye in the office of Joselito Esquivel, a police colonel enforcing a national crackdown on drugs in the Philippines' most crime-ridden district: a pair of boxing gloves in a display cabinet and an M4 assault rifle lying beside him.
Japan Times
Jun 24, 2016
A fragile time for democracy
In this time of fear, people are willing to give up their power to the strongman. But the forces they are seeking protection from are far beyond the abilities of one person to control.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2016
Bodies pile up as Philippine police show new boss they're tough on drugs
Philippine police killed 11 suspected drug dealers during operations at the weekend, police said on Monday, adding to a surge of drugs-related killings since Rodrigo Duterte swept an election last month on promises to wipe out crime.
Japan Times
Jun 13, 2016
Fiery Duterte mistakes media for the enemy
Asia's iron-fisted leaders see media as a threat to nationalism rather than a tool to drive economic reforms.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2016
Don't fear Duterte, new Philippine finance chief tells investors
Incoming Philippine finance chief Carlos Dominguez sought to reassure investors that his new boss is a pragmatic leader who will build on the gains that have made the Southeast Asian economy one of the fastest growing in the world.
Japan Times
May 30, 2016
Duterte may invite China to bid for railway projects
The incoming leader of the Philippines has said he will welcome bids by China to build two new railway lines, Philippine media reported Monday.
Japan Times
May 25, 2016
Philippine death squads very much in business as Duterte set for presidency
On May 14, five days after voters in the Philippines chose Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte as their next president, two masked gunmen cruised this southern city's suburbs on a motorbike, looking for their kill.
Japan Times
May 23, 2016
New Philippines leader Duterte plans to strongly push family planning law, aide says
In a move that could add to simmering tensions with the Catholic church, Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte will aggressively implement the country's family planning law to push his economic growth agenda, one of his aides said Monday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 18, 2016
In call with White House, Duterte tells Obama he may go bilateral on Beijing talks
U.S. President Barack Obama telephoned Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday to congratulate him on his election win, saying the high voter turnout reflects Manila's "vibrant democracy."
May 13, 2016
Strongman wins in the Philippines
Rodrigo Duterte's election as president of the Philippines is going to make things very interesting for China, the United States, Japan and all the other nations in the region for years to come.
Japan Times
May 12, 2016
Philippine president-elect aims for economic continuity: aides
Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte will continue his predecessor's macroeconomic policies focusing on higher infrastructure spending and fiscal efficiency, aides said on Thursday in a bid to end uncertainty around his growth agenda.


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