Tag - ri-jong-ho



Jan 4, 2015
Asia's bad to good for 2014
Find out who or what in Asia were honored for having the worst, bad, good and best year in 2014.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2015
North Korean leader's sister reportedly marries son of senior official
The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has married the son of one of the country's most powerful officials, Yonhap news agency reported on Friday, citing unnamed sources.
Jan 2, 2015
South Korea says it is open to a 'candid discussion' with North Korea
Any talks between the leaders of North Korea and South Korea must be held without preconditions, the government in Seoul said Friday, a day after Kim Jong Un raised the possibility of a summit.
Dec 28, 2014
Hacking of low brow movie raises high stakes issues
The movie 'The Interview,' featuring the supposed blowing up of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, is a sad commentary on the idiocies of our troubled times. It should not have been made.
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2014
North Korea's nukes are much scarier than its hacks
While the world's attention focuses on North Korea's cyberwar with Sony Pictures, the Hermit Kingdom is rapidly increasing its stockpile of nuclear weapons material, with real little pushback from the U.S.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2014
Job insecurity explains why Kim can't take a joke
North Korea's 30-something dictator Kim Jong Un's over-the-top reaction to Sony's satire 'The Interview' is rooted in his manifest insecurity about his grip on power and his need to maintain his cult of personality.
Dec 21, 2014
'The Interview': It's time for Sony Japan to say no
To put the lame, ill-conceived comedy film 'The Interview' on the frontline of a trumped-up battle in defense of Western values is a bit like betting the bank on Bozo the Clown and refusing to back down.
Dec 18, 2014
U.S. determines North Korea behind Sony attack as studio pulls movie
A U.S. government source said investigators had determined North Korea was behind a cyberattack on Sony Pictures as the studio pulled all plans to release its comedy, "The Interview," about an assassination attempt on the North Korean leader.
WORLD / Politics
Dec 17, 2014
Russia invites North Korean leader for WWII commemoration
Russia has invited North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to attend a May ceremony marking the end of World War II, in what would be Kim's first foreign visit since taking the helm of the reclusive state in 2011, Japan's Asahi Shimbun daily said Wednesday.
Dec 16, 2014
Rogen defends lampooning of Kim in movie
Actor-director Seth Rogen defended the choice to parody North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in raunchy comedy "The Interview," the movie that sparked a real-life threat from the country and has been suspected as the possible cause of a damaging cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Japan Times
Nov 30, 2014
Unreleased films feared filched in Sony attack; North Korea suspected
Two as-yet unreleased films might have been stolen in a cyberattack on Sony Corp. that may be linked to North Korea.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2014
North Korean 'princess' moves closer to center of power
In her slim-fitting pantsuits and black-heeled shoes, Kim Yo Jong cuts a contrasting figure to her pudgy older brother, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Nov 22, 2014
From bad to worse
He's a bad man, isn't he?
Japan Times
Nov 11, 2014
North Korea ends charm offensive, halts talks with EU over proposed ICC referral
North Korea has halted talks with the main sponsor of a U.N. resolution urging the country's referral to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, following months of attempts to win over key supporters of the draft.
Japan Times
Oct 31, 2014
North Korea promises abductee probe will be fair, comprehensive: Suga
This week's abduction talks in North Korea shed little light on the questions Japan wants answered, as Pyongyang offered no new information about what happened to Japanese it kidnapped, the government said Friday.
Oct 30, 2014
Kim Jong Un extends family penchant for purges to keep grip on power
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shares a family trait with his father and grandfather: a penchant for purges to hold onto absolute power.
Japan Times
Oct 24, 2014
Pyongyang uses live bait to lure Washington
For new talks to succeed with North Korea, the U.S. must expend more energy getting South Korea and Japan, barely on speaking terms, to get along, and end its policy of doing nothing while the North becomes more dangerous.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks