Tag - ri-jong-ho



Japan Times
Aug 28, 2017
North Korean missiles fly, but talks still on Tillerson’s mind
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday he holds out hope for talks with nuclear-armed North Korea despite its "provocative act" Saturday of firing three short-range missiles.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2017
North Korea steps up work on parts for new reactor, IAEA says
North Korea has increased its efforts to produce parts for a new nuclear reactor it is building while continuing to operate the main existing one that provides fuel for its atom bombs, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said in an annual report released Friday.
Japan Times
Aug 23, 2017
Even as tensions ease, North Korea releases photos indicating future missile types
Photos released by nuclear-armed North Korea on Wednesday appear to reveal the designs for two new missiles — a provocative move that comes just after the United States' top diplomat said he was pleased with the recent "restraint" exercised by Pyongyang.
Aug 20, 2017
Tottori town's residents take part in emergency drills in readiness for any North Korean missile attack
Residents of a coastal town held evacuation drills Saturday to prepare for any launch of North Korean missiles toward the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, in case they fly over their homes.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2017
PACOM chief Harris arrives in South Korea as North likens joint war game to 'pouring gasoline on fire'
The head of the U.S. military's Pacific Command (PACOM) arrived in Seoul on Sunday, the South Korean Defense Ministry said as the two allies readied for the start of an annual large-scale military exercise Monday amid soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2017
Hard part of achieving North Korea's nuclear objective comes next, sixth test seen critical
North Korea says it has developed intercontinental missiles capable of targeting any place in the United States.
Japan Times
Aug 19, 2017
Amid Korea tensions, U.S. says fewer troops will take part in war games with South
The U.S. will kick off its annual joint military exercises with South Korea on Monday, but this year's drills will involve far fewer American troops than last year's amid heated tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2017
Drawn to North Korea's culture, Japanese internet star looks beyond the saber-rattling
Japanese internet celebrity Chunhun starts her day by listening to a band whose songs few other 20-something women in the nation are likely to have on their playlists: North Korea's all-female ensemble Moranbong Band.
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2017
What Kim Jong Un hopes to gain from nuclear game plan
On October 3, 1942 — 75 years ago this year — a prototype German V-2 rocket launched from the German military firing range at Peenemunde in the Baltic reached an altitude of 84.5 km (52.5 miles). It was, by some definitions, the first human-built object in space.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 10, 2017
North makes detailed threat to fire missiles near Guam as Tokyo condemns provocation
In an unprecedented announcement, North Korea said it is developing a plan to test-fire four intermediate ballistic missiles into the sea near Guam by mid-August.
Japan Times
Aug 10, 2017
KCNA says North Korea will have plan in days to fire four missiles toward Guam, calls Trump threat 'nonsense'
North Korea will develop a plan by mid-August to launch four intermediate range missiles at the U.S. territory of Guam before presenting it to leader Kim Jong Un, who will make a decision on whether to proceed, the North's state media said on Thursday.
Japan Times
Aug 10, 2017
Mattis, on heels of Trump's impromptu 'fire and fury' threat, issues stark warning to Pyongyang
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis issued a stark warning to North Korea on Wednesday, telling Pyongyang that it should stop any actions that would lead to the "end of its regime and the destruction of its people."
Japan Times
Aug 9, 2017
Trump threatens to unleash 'fire and fury' on North Korea as Pyongyang takes aim at Guam
On a day typically remembered for the devastating atomic attack on Nagasaki in 1945, North Korea and U.S. President Donald Trump both unleashed an unprecedented verbal barrage.
Japan Times
Aug 9, 2017
China banks appear to get temporary U.S. reprieve after U.N. sanctions deal
The Trump administration appears to be granting Chinese banks dealing with North Korea a temporary reprieve from threatened U.S. sanctions to give Beijing time to show it is serious about enforcing new U.N. steps against Pyongyang, U.S. officials said.
Japan Times
Aug 9, 2017
North Korea threatens missile strike near key U.S. military outpost on Guam
Nuclear-armed North Korea revealed Wednesday that it has drafted a plan to strike the area near a major U.S. military base on the island of Guam with a barrage of missiles, state-run media said.
Japan Times
Aug 8, 2017
Today's nuclear North Korea is yesterday's China
As U.S. policymakers ponder how to deal with North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, it is important for them to remember that they are not in uncharted territory.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 8, 2017
Japan Defense Ministry warns of North Korean nuclear, missile advances in annual report
White paper cites deep concern over reclusive state's recent advances in ICBM technology, while also hitting China for its maritime expansion.
Japan Times
Aug 8, 2017
Due to proximity, China will pay biggest price for new North Korea sanctions
China will pay the biggest price from the new United Nations sanctions against North Korea because of its close economic relationship with the country, but will always enforce the resolutions, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks