Tag - ri-jong-ho



Japan Times
Oct 21, 2017
China's Communist Party says it is still talking to North Korean side
China's ruling Communist Party continues to hold talks and maintain contacts with its North Korean counterpart, a senior official said Saturday, describing the two countries friendship as important for regional stability.
Oct 21, 2017
Trump expected to pressure China's Xi to rein in North Korea, officials say
U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to pressure China's president when they meet next month in Beijing to do more to rein in North Korea out of a belief that Xi Jinping's consolidation of power should give him more authority to do so.
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2017
U.S. Pacific Command chief Harris says Kim's nuclear ambitions are a 'recipe for disaster'
The top U.S. military commander in the Pacific warned the situation in North Korea is a "recipe for disaster," as the region prepares for U.S. President Donald Trump's first visit to the region.
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2017
How a homemade tool helped North Korea's missile program
In 2009, a pop video from North Korea celebrated a new national hero — one that outside experts would later realize was at the heart of the secretive state's banned nuclear and missile programs.
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2017
North Korea, feared to hold nuclear test at start of Chinese congress, sends congratulations
North Korea sent a congratulatory message to China's Communist Party congress on Wednesday amid increasingly frayed relationships between the traditional allies as China tightens sanctions over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program.
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2017
Hillary Clinton says U.S. threats of war with North Korea 'dangerous, short-sighted'
Former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that "cavalier" threats to start war on the Korean Peninsula are "dangerous and short-sighted," urging the United States to get all parties to the negotiating table.
Japan Times
Oct 17, 2017
'Mad dog' anti-Trump leaflets believed floated in by North Korean balloon turn up in Seoul
Propaganda fliers presumed to be from North Korea and calling U.S. President Donald Trump a "mad dog" have turned up across central Seoul, including near the presidential Blue House, according to posts on social media and people who found them.
Japan Times
Oct 17, 2017
North Korean hacker group linked to Taiwan bank cyberheist
Lazarus, a hacking group linked to North Korea, may have been behind this month's theft of $60 million from Taiwan's Far Eastern International Bank, according to BAE Systems PLC researchers.
Oct 17, 2017
Pyongyang warns states at U.N.: Don't join any U.S. action and you're safe from retaliation
North Korea warned countries at the United Nations on Monday in a statement: don't join the United States in military action against the Asian state and you will be safe from retaliation.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 16, 2017
Diplomacy with North Korea will continue 'until the first bomb drops,' Tillerson says
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said diplomatic efforts to rein in Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program "will continue until the first bomb drops," as the U.S. and South Korean navies kicked off a massive, five-day joint military exercise Monday in the waters surrounding North Korea.
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2017
North Korea's Kim works to turn missile-testing outpost into tourism cash cow
In the seaside city of Wonsan, North Korean families cook up barbecues on the beach, go fishing, and eat royal jelly flavored ice cream in the summer breeze. For their leader Kim Jong Un, the resort is a summer retreat, a future temple to tourism, and a good place to test missiles.
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2017
North's unhappy mix of tourists and military
The Wonsan resort is not North Korea's first attempt to mix the military and tourism.
Japan Times
Oct 14, 2017
North Korea renews threat to target Guam ahead of joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises
North Korea renewed its threat to the American Pacific territory of Guam on Friday as the U.S. and South Korean militaries geared up for 10 days of joint naval exercises set to kick off next week.
Japan Times
Oct 12, 2017
Murdered North Korean Kim Jong Nam had $100,000 in backpack, police witness says
The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was carrying $100,000 in cash in his backpack at the time of his murder, the police officer investigating the case told a Malaysian court on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2017
MSDF drills with U.S. aircraft carrier amid North Korea tensions
The USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier was conducting joint exercises with a Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer in the waters near Okinawa on Wednesday, the two countries' militaries said, amid rising tensions with North Korea.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2017
U.S. flies powerful bombers over Korean Peninsula as Trump discusses 'range of options'
The U.S. sent powerful B-1B bombers from Guam for joint exercises with the South Korean Air Force over the Korean Peninsula late Tuesday as President Donald Trump gathered his top national security advisers to discuss "a range of options" for dealing with North Korea's nuclear ambitions.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2017
South Koreans seek to visit once-jointly run factory zone in North
A group of South Korean businessmen who own factories in the Kaesong industrial complex inside North Korea said Wednesday they want to visit to verify the North's claim that it had restarted some operations there on its own.
Japan Times
Oct 10, 2017
North Korean 'princess' now one of the secretive state's top policy makers
The promotion of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's 28-year-old sister to the country's top decision-making body is a sign he is strengthening his position by drawing his most important people closer to the center of power, experts and officials say.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2017
Bluster or legit threat? Trump remarks show North Korea military option on U.S. leader's mind
Bluster or legitimate threat, U.S. President Donald Trump's latest castigation of North Korea has again left observers wondering if the leader will greenlight some kind of military action against the country in a bid to halt its seemingly inexorable march toward a credible nuclear strike capability.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks