Tag - ri-jong-ho



Japan Times
Jun 12, 2018
Trump sees shared path with North Korea's Kim after denuclearization summit
In a vaguely worded agreement, the two leaders inked what Trump said was a “comprehensive document” declaring that Kim's regime would work towards complete denuclearization.
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2018
Abductees' relatives hope Trump-Kim summit will lead to return of loved ones
As they watched footage of the historic summit between leaders of the United States and North Korea on Tuesday, relatives of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea decades ago expressed hope that the landmark meeting in Singapore will lead to the return of their loved ones.
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2018
Is Tokyo's commitment to abduction issue a diplomatic stumbling block?
As the world waited for Trump and Kim to emerge from their summit, Japan looked for signs that the two had addressed its top priority: abductees.
Jun 12, 2018
Trump and Kim's joint statement
Joint Statement of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit.
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2018
U.S. weighs 'fundamentally different' approach to North Korea as two look to bridge gaps ahead of historic Trump-Kim summit
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday that the United States was ready to begin a "fundamentally different" process in working with North Korea to find an outcome that "benefits both countries" as top officials from the two sides worked furiously to bridge apparent gaps just hours ahead of...
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2018
Architects of South Korea's Sunshine Policy on North say it's paying off
When the United States and North Korea hold a historic summit on Tuesday, supporters of former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung say it will be the culmination of a mission launched two decades ago by the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2018
State media workers and security offer glimpse into tightly regimented North Korea
During a security lockdown inside and outside Singapore's five-star St. Regis hotel before the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday, only two journalists moved freely along the blockaded street, flanked by crowds penned back by police.
Japan Times
Jun 10, 2018
Trump and Kim said to be planning one-on-one talk at summit start
U.S. President Donald Trump intends to meet one-on-one briefly with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the beginning of their June 12 summit — a moment the president has said will be a critical gauge of whether a deal is likely, according to a U.S. official familiar with their plans.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2018
Hawkish John Bolton sidelined for Trump-Kim summit amid Mike Pompeo's rise but will lurk in the wings
Just weeks after John Bolton's hard-line rhetoric infuriated North Korea and nearly derailed a planned summit between Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump, the U.S. national security adviser appears to have taken a back seat to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for the historic meeting.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2018
Mystery CIA officer playing key, uncomfortably visible role as U.S.-North Korea summit looms
The lightning diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea before next week's historic summit has thrust a little-known CIA officer into an uncomfortably public role as a key intermediary in talks between the two adversaries.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2018
Japan's ethnic Koreans loyal to Pyongyang look to summit to bring peace, boost status
Ethnic Koreans in Japan loyal to Pyongyang hope next week's historic U.S.-North Korea summit brings reconciliation on the Korean peninsula and helps clarify their murky legal status.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2018
Trump wants Kim to commit to disarmament timetable in Singapore
The White House wants North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to commit to a timetable to surrender his country's nuclear arsenal when he meets President Donald Trump next week in Singapore, a high-stakes summit that could last as long as two days — or just minutes.
Jun 6, 2018
Japanese woman hopes Trump-Kim summit will bring news of missing twin
It has been more than 30 years since the identical twin sister of Japanese teacher Misa Morimoto vanished, believed to have been abducted by North Korea.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2018
Singapore launches 'World Peace' medallion to mark Trump-Kim summit
Singapore on Tuesday unveiled a commemorative medallion ahead of next week's summit between the U.S. and North Korean leaders in the wealthy city-state, carrying the inscription 'World Peace' in large letters on one side.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2018
White House tries to tamp down concerns over weakening of North Korea sanctions
The White House said Monday that the U.S. will continue to apply pressure to North Korea to relinquish its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, just days after President Donald Trump said he would no longer use the term "maximum pressure" as the two sides prepare for a historic June 12 meeting between...


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks