Tag - ri-jong-ho



Japan Times
Oct 8, 2017
Kim Jong Un boosts sister within North Korea's inner circle
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has promoted his 28-year-old sister to the ruling party's political wing, bringing her closer to the center of power and tightening the family's control of the regime.
Japan Times
Oct 4, 2017
Russia quietly throws North Korea lifeline in bid to stymie regime change
Russia is quietly boosting economic support for North Korea to try to stymie any U.S.-led push to oust Kim Jong Un, as Moscow fears his fall would sap its regional clout and allow U.S. troops to deploy on Russia's eastern border.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2017
White House again rules out talks as North Korea threatens Japan with 'nuclear clouds'
The White House on Monday poured more cold water on potential talks with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program just days after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Washington was in direct contact with leader Kim Jong Un's regime.
Japan Times
Oct 2, 2017
Trump dismissal of U.S.-North Korea talks has some fearful of what comes next
After his curt dismissal over Twitter of talks with North Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump has left many wondering — and some fearing — what his next move against the nuclear-armed nation will be.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2017
North Korea seen moving missiles from development center: report
Several North Korean missiles were recently spotted moved from a rocket facility in the capital, Pyongyang, South Korea's Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) reported late Friday amid speculation that the North was preparing to take more provocative actions.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2017
Unilever insists new KJU shower gel has no link to North Korean leader
Unilever, which is trying to make a splash in the Asian cosmetics market, came to a surprising realization after it developed a new shower gel for China. The initials of the KJU Perfumed by Lux label matched those of North Korea's supreme leader.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2017
North Korea's Ri Yong Ho: A 'polished, rational' foreign minister
The man who called Donald Trump "President Evil" last week at the U.N. General Assembly is actually a genteel intellectual who studies the memoirs of former U.S. presidents and has taste for fine whiskey, according to ten people who know him.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2017
Trump says military option against North Korea not preferred, but would be 'devastating'
President Donald Trump warned North Korea on Tuesday that any U.S. military option would be "devastating" for Pyongyang, but said the use of force was not Washington's first option to deal with the country's ballistic and nuclear weapons program.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2017
North Korea's bark may be worse than bite in threat to shoot down U.S. bombers
North Korea has threatened to shoot down U.S. bombers flying near the Korean Peninsula, but it would have difficulty matching its words with action given aging air defense systems mostly dating to the Cold War, military experts said.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2017
China's biggest North Korea taboo: Discussing life after Kim
In discussions between the U.S. and China about reining in North Korea, one topic remains taboo: What would happen if Kim Jong Un's regime collapses?
Japan Times
Sep 26, 2017
North Korea says U.S. has 'declared war,' warns it may shoot down warplanes as risk of miscalculation grows
North Korea's foreign minister said Monday that the U.S. had "declared war" on the isolated nation, pinning the blame on President Donald Trump's incendiary words days earlier while also threatening to shoot down U.S. bombers — even if they are not in the country's airspace.
Japan Times
Sep 24, 2017
North Korea foreign minister warns of 'pre-emptive action' as U.S. bombers fly off Korean Peninsula
In a fiery speech before world leaders at the U.N. on Saturday, North Korea's foreign minister vowed the country will take "merciless pre-emptive action" if it detects U.S. or allied military action against it.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 23, 2017
China warns Japan not to abandon dialogue for sanctions in dealing with North Korea
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Taro Kono, his Japanese counterpart, that talking only about sanctions for North Korea rather than focusing on dialogue will be seen as going against United Nations resolutions.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2017
U.S., Japanese carriers conduct drills amid soaring North Korea tensions
The Maritime Self-Defense Force conducted exercises with the U.S. Navy on Friday amid North Korea's continued nuclear and missile tests, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 22, 2017
Kim directly warns Trump as North Korean foreign minister says response may include Pacific H-bomb test
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un calls U.S. President Donald Trump “mentally deranged” and vows to make him “pay dearly” for threatening the total destruction of his country.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2017
Trump's fire and brimstone U.N. speech hands Abe a win on North Korea, but will victory be pyrrhic?
Experts warn that Trump's threat could reinforce Pyongyang's belief that nuclear weapons remain the sole means of securing the regime's safety.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks