Tag - ri-jong-ho



Japan Times
Sep 21, 2018
Kim wants another Trump summit to speed North Korea's denuclearization and declare end to war: Moon
North Korea's Kim Jong Un wants a second summit with U.S. President Donald Trump soon to hasten denuclearization, but a key goal is declaring an end this year to the 1950-53 Korean War, the South's President Moon Jae-in said on Thursday.
Sep 20, 2018
U.S., eyeing 2021 denuclearization completion, says it is ready to resume talks with North Korea
The United States said it is ready to resume talks with North Korea after Pyongyang pledged Wednesday to dismantle its key missile facilities and suggested it will close its main Nyongbyon nuclear complex if Washington takes unspecified actions.
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2018
Deadlocked North Korean nuclear talks likely to be at top of Trump's mind after flurry of seemingly tantalizing proposals
Deadlocked denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington are expected to again weigh heavily on U.S. President Donald Trump's mind after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un offered up a flurry of seemingly tantalizing proposals Wednesday.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2018
South Korea plays down chances of nuclear breakthrough at Moon-Kim summit but says it will push U.S. for 'reciprocal' moves
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2018
The way to move forward in North Korea
U.S. negotiators should remember that reducing the potential for a devastating war on the Korean Peninsula is at least as important a goal as full denuclearization.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 16, 2018
North Korea bashes top Japanese diplomat for saying timing too early for declaration to end Korean War
North Korea's state-run media has bashed Foreign Minister Taro Kono after he said during a recent meeting with the United States' top North Korea envoy that it is too early to adopt a declaration ending the Korean War, and that concrete steps toward denuclearization should come first.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2018
Obama weighed pre-emptive strike against North Korea after fifth nuclear blast and missile tests near Japan in 2016, Woodward book claims
Former U.S. President Barack Obama considered a pre-emptive strike on North Korea after it conducted its fifth nuclear test in September 2016, just days after lobbing three medium-range ballistic missiles 1,000 kilometers into Japan's exclusive economic zone, according to a book by Watergate journalist...
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2018
Second Kim-Trump summit could lay groundwork for arms control talks — and de facto nuclear state recognition
A second meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is being planned, the White House said Monday. Such a summit, some experts say, could help break the current impasse in denuclearization talks and lay the groundwork for what ultimately may be the only way forward:...
Japan Times
Sep 10, 2018
Trump nearly sent tweet that could have sparked war with North Korea, Watergate journalist says
Could a single tweet spark a nuclear war? U.S. President Donald Trump may have narrowly avoided such a scenario had he sent out a missive he drafted that North Korea would have seen as a sign of an imminent attack, Watergate journalist Bob Woodward said in an interview Sunday.
Sep 9, 2018
North Korean leader Kim confirms interest in visiting Russia, lawmaker says
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has confirmed his readiness to visit Russia, the RIA news agency quoted Valentina Matvienko, the speaker of the upper house of the Russian parliament, as saying after she met him in Pyongyang on Saturday.
Japan Times
Sep 9, 2018
North Korea marks 70th birthday with toned-down military parade amid stalled U.S. nuclear talks
North Korea held a military parade Sunday to mark its 70th birthday but apparently did not display its longer-range ballistic missiles — including those capable of hitting the U.S. — media reports and photos showed, amid what could be a move by Pyongyang to demonstrate seriousness about a pledged...
Japan Times
Sep 8, 2018
Kim looks to showcase might without drawing Trump's ire in parade
Kim Jong Un was expected to preside over a toned-down military parade Sunday designed to showcase North Korea's strength without jeopardizing his efforts to rejoin the international community.
Japan Times
Sep 6, 2018
Kim agrees to 'cooperate closely' with U.S. on denuclearizing, says 'stronger' measures possible
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has agreed to "cooperate closely" with the U.S. — even possibly accepting "stronger" denuclearization measures — a top South Korean official said Thursday, amid an apparent rift over progress in U.S.-North Korean nuclear talks.
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2018
South Korean special envoy visits Pyongyang, delivers letter to North's Kim
A South Korean special envoy delivered a letter from President Moon Jae-in to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday during a rare visit to Pyongyang — part of a bid to help break an impasse in nuclear negotiations with the U.S. and plan for Moon's third summit with Kim later this month.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 4, 2018
Xi to send China's No. 3 to Pyongyang for 70th anniversary celebrations
Chinese leader Xi Jinping will not make his inaugural visit as president to Pyongyang to attend ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of North Korea's founding, the official Xinhua News Agency said Tuesday.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 3, 2018
Ex-U.S. defense chief Leon Panetta calls Trump's summit with Kim a failure
Former U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said President Donald Trump's summit with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un in June about the country's nuclear threat was "doomed to failure" because of a lack of preparation beforehand.
Japan Times
Sep 2, 2018
South Korean president taps national security chief to head special delegation's Wednesday visit to Pyongyang
South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Sunday tapped his national security chief as a special envoy to lead a delegation on a one-day trip to North Korea on Wednesday as Moon seeks to kick-start stalled nuclear negotiations with the U.S. and plan for his third summit with North leader Kim Jong Un later...
Japan Times
Aug 31, 2018
South Korean President Moon Jae-in to dispatch special envoy to North Korea next week
South Korean President Moon Jae-in will dispatch a special envoy to North Korea next week to discuss a scheduled summit with leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang, as well as ways to salvage stalled denuclearization talks with the United States, the presidential Blue House said in a statement Friday.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2018
U.S. military says it has no plans to suspend more major exercises on Korean Peninsula
The U.S. military has no plans yet to suspend any more major military exercises with South Korea, the defense secretary said Tuesday amid a breakdown in diplomacy with North Korea over its nuclear weapons.
Aug 28, 2018
Trump losing patience with Kim
Donald Trump appears to think that keeping adversaries off-balance is key to negotiating success. It is a dangerous strategy, and one with little likelihood of success.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks