Tag - retirement



Aug 6, 2019
In wake of uproar over pension system, Japan to draw up fresh report on post-retirement financing
The Financial Services Agency plans to compile a fresh report on post-retirement financing after its previous report sparked a controversy with its estimate that an elderly couple living to age 95 will need ¥20 million in life savings on top of public pensions, according to informed sources.
Jul 26, 2019
Singapore promotes gardening for elderly in bid to fight loneliness
Since her mother died last year, 74-year-old Lim Yeo Hong has been living alone in a flat on the outskirts of Singapore, scavenging for cardboard scraps which she sells for a living.
Japan Times
Jul 25, 2019
The real policy challenges facing Japan
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must place priority on resolving several major policy challenges confronting Japan before he tries to revise the Constitution.
Jul 9, 2019
Practical debate needed on public pension system
All parties involved should engage in discussions over what can be done to reform the public pension system so it can reliably support retirees.
Japan Times
Jul 6, 2019
Japan Times 1919: Special rail cars introduced for female students to prevent improper conduct on long train journeys
The Railway Board has adopted a plan suggested by Mrs. Takahashi, Tokyo Station master, to connect special cars to the Shimonoseki express train that leaves Tokyo at 4 p.m. daily, exclusively for the use of female students who are going home for the summer vacation.
Japan Times
COMMUNITY / How-tos / Age Wise
Jun 26, 2019
Deal with clutter while the choice to toss is still yours
A big part of retirement is spent organizing your home and your affairs, but tidying experts advise decluttering well beforehand.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2019
Politicians must address retirement concerns
The government needs to make information about the public pension system more transparent and easy to understand.
Japan Times
Jun 23, 2019
Report on Japan pension shortfall spurs anxiety — and a closer look at the system
The Financial Services Agency earlier this month released a report on the future financial security of senior citizens that suggested people would have to save more to make up for expected shortfalls in the public pension system, sparking public anxiety and major controversy over the government program's...
Jun 16, 2019
Can pensions cover retirement expenses?
The Abe administration has disowned a government agency's report concluding that the public pension system might not cover the costs of a long retirement life.
Jun 13, 2019
Japanese women face retirement savings gap of almost 20 years, World Economic Forum says
One of the toughest problems retirees face is making sure their money lasts as long as they do.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
May 23, 2019
Job seekers in their 70s could become Japan's new normal
At the age of 75, Mikiko Kuzuno found herself recently laid off and applying for a job at a factory near Tokyo. She insisted on making the application in person.
Japan Times
May 13, 2019
Retired Lebanese soldiers picket central bank over wage and benefit cuts
Retired soldiers in Lebanon started picketing the Central Bank building late on Sunday in protest at draft budget proposals to cut the state wage bill, saying they aimed to stop workers entering on Monday morning.
May 3, 2019
Rising numbers of elderly people are living alone
Efforts need to be launched at the national, municipal and community levels, involving both public and private sector resources, to ensure that elderly people who living alone will remain connected with their communities and society at large.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties