Tag - retirement



Japan Times
Jan 7, 2022
Many retirees have a big problem. It isn’t what you think.
Financial advisers say too many of their clients don't actually spend enough of the money they have squirreled away, scrimping more than they need to.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Longform
Sep 27, 2021
How to retire in Japan decades earlier than you think
Japan's pioneers of the FIRE movement — u2018financial independence, retire early' — believe in living below one's means early in life so they're able to stop working well before retirement age.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2021
Millennials getting raises have retiring baby boomers to thank
Retiring baby boomers and massive government aid in response to the COVID-19 pandemic may help explain the rising incomes and workers quitting in huge numbers.
Japan Times
Nov 30, 2020
China stirs trouble with plan to hike retirement age from 60
China is making a new push to raise one of the world’s lowest retirement ages as it tries to cope with a rapidly graying population, a move that’s already fueling public discontent and will test the Communist Party’s ability to implement reforms.
Japan Times
Oct 28, 2020
To retire rich, don’t leave too much to your kids
Don't be surprised if those retiring in 2035 need an extra five years or more of future income because of longevity alone.
Japan Times
May 14, 2020
Prosecutor retirement revision a dangerous step
It is deeply disturbing that the ruling coalition is trying to push this revision through the Lower House this week.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society / FOCUS
Jan 12, 2020
Japanese women face a future of poverty, as confluence of factors conspire against them
At first glance, things seem to be getting better for Japanese women.
Japan Times
Jan 8, 2020
Japan to urge firms to employ workers until age 70 from next year
The labor ministry plans to urge companies from April 2021 to ensure jobs are available for workers until the age of 70, it was learned Wednesday.
Nov 28, 2019
Expanding employee pension coverage
Widening pension coverage will not only add to the benefits irrgegular workers receive in retirement but shore up pension finances by increasing the number of participants in the program.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2019
42% of Japanese in their early 60s hope to continue working part time after they turn 65, survey finds
The survey on elderly employment, released Friday, also showed that 61 percent of companies are able to offer part-time positions to such workers.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2019
Excessive concern over public pension
Reform of the Japanese public pension system in accordance with the nation's aging population is becoming increasingly unavoidable.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 25, 2019
Fear of retirement poverty drives Japanese to private pensions
Japanese households are rushing to private retirement products after a government report fueled fears that the national pension system won't be enough to support them during old age.
Aug 31, 2019
Face the pension system's reality
Discussions should proceed on what practical steps can be taken to stabilize the system as much as possible.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties