Tag - renewables



Japan Times
Nov 11, 2013
Ethanol from cellulose falls short of expectations
In Emmetsburg, Iowa, America's largest maker of ethanol for motor fuel is putting the final touches on a manufacturing plant that will rely not on corn, but on the stalks and cobs left behind.
Japan Times
Nov 1, 2013
'Perfect' winds give Brazil another option for power
Wind is emerging as a prize for energy planners in Brazil who see the howling gusts that arrive from the east as a way to offset the fresh limits imposed on hydropower.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2013
White House reinstalling symbolic solar panels
Jimmy Carter first installed solar panels in 1979. Ronald Reagan called them a joke and had them removed in 1986. And this week, nearly three years after promising to restore them as a sign of the administration's commitment to renewable energy, President Obama is reinstalling solar panels on the White...
Japan Times
May 8, 2013
Britain's ports put wind in investors' sails
Methil port north of Edinburgh, once the focus of Scotland's coal exports, is set to tap a greener kind of energy as Samsung Heavy Industry Co. constructs the world's biggest wind turbine in the town's faded harbor.
Japan Times
Apr 10, 2013
Feed-in tariffs ready to make Japan world No. 2 solar market after China
Japan will probably become the largest solar market in the world after China this year, boosted by an incentive program that offers above-market rates for energy from renewable sources.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 27, 2013
Panasonic gets home solar sales lift
Panasonic Corp. said its solar-panel operation will probably remain profitable amid growing demand from domestic homeowners.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?