Tag - renewable-energy



Feb 19, 2018
Japan falling behind global leaders in renewable energy use, panel warns in report
Japan is falling behind other leading countries in renewable energy use, while its promotion of coal-fired plants risks hindering the competitiveness of domestic firms in a global market more concerned than ever about carbon emissions.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2018
Toward a zero marginal cost society
By reducing marginal costs of goods and services to nearly zero, the internet and renewable energy are revolutionizing society.
Japan Times
Oct 14, 2017
Balance of power: Shift toward renewable energy appears to be picking up steam
Five years ago, Japan introduced a feed-in tariff system in a bid to promote the introduction of renewable energy on a large scale following the collapse of public trust in nuclear power due to the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, and subsequent triple meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1...
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2017
In collaboration with Starbucks, Kobe brews a renewable energy source
Coffee drinkers in Kobe who are wondering what they can do to help the environment and support local renewable energy projects might consider heading to a Starbucks.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2017
Documentary renews debate over renewable energy
Earlier this month, Kyodo News surveyed 44 companies that started selling electricity to consumers after the energy market was liberalized in April 2016.
Japan Times
Feb 7, 2017
A greener shade of digital finance
If financial technology is to reach its potential to advance the global public good, another factor must be accounted for: the environment.
Jan 8, 2017
Energy policy needs overhaul
Japan's energy policy is at a crossroads. The government's basic energy plan revised in 2014 — after the March 2011 triple meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima No. 1 plant led to the shutdown of most of the nation's nuclear power reactors — continued the heavy reliance on nuclear power and...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Nov 24, 2016
SoftBank's regional clean-energy ambitions find favor in Mongolia
SoftBank Group Corp. plans to build more wind projects in Mongolia as Chairman Masayoshi Son pushes to connect countries across Asia with transmission lines to supply cheap, clean energy.
Sep 26, 2016
Who has the space for more renewables?
Dramatic progress in renewable electricity is a hugely positive development; but the benefits are most easily grasped in developed, relatively sparsely populated countries.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2016
Fukushima unveils grand plan for alternative energy transmission line networks
A public-private sector consortium tasked with promoting alternative energy in Fukushima Prefecture will start building new power transmission networks next fiscal year.
Japan Times
Mar 12, 2016
Knowledge is power: Navigating the household electricity market after deregulation
The country's household and small business electricity market will be deregulated from April 1, allowing individuals to choose their electricity provider. Optimists, especially renewable energy advocates and small entrepreneurs, hope the development will break the stranglehold that the country's 10 regional...
Japan Times
Dec 22, 2015
Britain's long transition from coal holds lessons for China
Cheaper sources of energy, not government policies, serve as the greatest incentive for phasing out the use of coal.
Dec 1, 2015
Germany leads the way with energy transition
As Germany is demonstrating with its Energiewende program, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a matter of resolve.
Oct 21, 2015
Auctions eyed for solar power providers under renewable energy incentive program
A Japanese government task force is considering auctioning as a way to manage the awarding of solar projects amid an overhaul of an incentive program to encourage clean energy.
JAPAN / View from Osaka
Oct 17, 2015
Kyoto forum's leaders warm up to renewables
Each autumn, the world's most influential scientists, engineers, business leaders and science policy experts gather in Kyoto for the Science and Technology in Society Forum. The STS Forum is the brainchild of Koji Omi, a former finance minister and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry bureaucrat and...
May 3, 2015
The same old energy mix
The government's draft for Japan's energy mix in 2030 makes it clear that the Abe administration is pursuing a return to the nation's energy landscape that existed before the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Japan Times
Apr 16, 2015
Making the vision of sustainable energy a reality
Thanks to lower oil prices, innovation, and economies of scale in the renewable-energy sector, the vision of sustainable energy can now be turned into reality.
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2015
Political obstacles stymie energy autonomy
When German Chancellor Angela Merkel was in Japan earlier this month, local coverage focused on a joint German-Japanese statement about the Ukraine crisis and her comment that Japan should forthrightly address its actions during World War II. She said nothing about how Japan and Germany have diverged...
Japan Times
Feb 7, 2015
The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia's Environmental Emergency
With our planet teetering on a climate crisis, environmentalists have recently started making the case for going green from the perspective that it's good for business.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2015
Words from the wise on our energy future
Another year has dawned, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been at the helm for more than two years and nearly four years have passed since the Fukushima disaster brought Japan to its knees. And still we wait for a realistic blueprint from the government for clean and safe energy independence, a plan offering...


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?