Tag - relations



Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Mar 23, 2013
Are Russian assassins on the streets of Britain?
Shortly after 5:15 p.m. on Nov. 10, a jogger turned into Granville Road in Weybridge, southern England, running along the hedge-lined street of one of Britain's wealthiest enclaves. Then, 50 meters from his home, he staggered into the road and died.
Mar 7, 2013
Where's the world policeman when you need one?
With the international scene looking more unstable than it has since the fall of the Berlin Wall, how can Japan respond more readily to threats to peace?
Mar 6, 2013
Japan and Australia: natural allies in the changing Pacific
Does the U.S. pivot to the Pacific represent a necessary rebalancing, overbalancing or counter-balancing against China's growing wealth, power and assertiveness?
Mar 4, 2013
Tourism in Japan and the world
Japan remains an untapped tourist destination, although it saw international tourism revenue rise 37 percent in 2012, higher than most nations.
Mar 4, 2013
Ballast for Australia-India relations
As long as India focuses on consolidating national aspirations, and not on developing global governance norms, it will remain an incomplete power.
Feb 27, 2013
Boosting the Japan-U.S. alliance
If the two countries work to tackle problems in their own societies, the Japan-U.S. partnership could be as significant in the future as it has ever been.
Feb 22, 2013
Abe shows a flair for pragmatism and survival
China is walking a fence. It blames the U.S. for North Korea's ambitions, yet works to avoid being seen as the enabler of the North's nuclear program.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 21, 2013
Abe: China stirs up rows to build support at home
China has a 'deeply ingrained' need to spar with neighbors over territory, because the Communist Party uses the disputes to maintain strong domestic support, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2013
Teachers are workers, not martyrs: the severance scandal that isn't
'Teachers quitting before graduation?!' the headlines screamed as we headed into the new year.
Feb 1, 2013
Wake-up call for Asia's leaders
Whether East Asia's politicians and pundits like it or not, the region's current international relations are more akin to those of Europe before World War I.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2013
Nanjing remembers; disputes fester
Young Chinese marking the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre are baptized in battles over war memory that shape bilateral relations.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2013
Meiji Japanese who sought to improve China
ASIA FOR THE ASIANS: China in the Lives of Five Meiji Japanese, by Paula S. Harrell. Merwin Asia, 2012, 407 pp., $35 (paperback)
Japan Times
Nov 24, 2012
Scholar tries to ease Okinawa's U.S. pains
Three years ago, Robert Eldridge gave up his associate professorship at Osaka University to work on behalf of the U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa. He said he thought he could make bigger contributions to U.S.-Japan relations in the prefecture than by teaching about the U.S.-Japan alliance to students at...


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?