Tag - refugees



Japan Times
Dec 29, 2013
Syrian civil war tests borders drawn less than a century ago in Mideast
That half of his farm lies in Syria and half in Lebanon is a source of mystery and inconvenience for Mohammed al-Jamal, whose family owned the property long before Europeans turned up and drew the lines that created the borders of the modern Middle East.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2013
Asylum seekers find help at JAR
The number of people seeking asylum in Japan reached some 2,600 at the end of October, adding to the soaring rate of those with no residency rights or financial assistance.
Nov 27, 2013
Asylum seekers hit record high exceeding 2,600
At the end of October, there were more than 2,600 asylum seekers in Japan, a record high, the Japan Association for Refugees said Wednesday.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2013
Syrian refugee crisis pushes fragile Lebanon closer to breaking point
As you come through the military checkpoints on the way into Wadi Khaled, local mobile phones bleep with an unsolicited text: "The Ministry of Tourism welcomes you to Syria."
Japan Times
Oct 19, 2013
Nuclear refugees struggle to share Olympic joy
While Tokyo Municipal Government officials were rubbing their hands with glee after winning the right to host the 2020 Olympics following their failed attempt to win the 2016 Games, it's perhaps fair to say that not everyone in other parts of the country shared their sentiment.
Sep 15, 2013
U.S. can take in more than 33 Syrian refugees
The U.N. estimates that 7 million Syrians are displaced in their own country or refugees in other countries. The world must do more to help them.
Sep 5, 2013
Children pay the heaviest price in Syrian war
Given the tremendous negative effect of the conflict on Syrian children, it is obvious that international community has failed to protect them.
Aug 20, 2013
The problem with Australia's refugee problem
Compared with any other English-speaking people, a great many Australians are openly racist. That's why 'boat people' these days are settled in Papua New Guinea.
Jul 21, 2013
Syrian refugees take the final hit in a brutal war
What makes the plight of Syrian refugees especially painful is that Russia, the U.S., China, Iran, Britain and France have been reluctant to take them in.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2013
Show a fashion statement on asylum seekers
Dismayed by Japan's low acceptance rate for asylum seekers, a student group organized a fashion show spotlighting ethnic clothes to raise awareness among their peers of the harsh reality facing the underprivileged worldwide.
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Fear and incarceration, from Kampala to Nagoya
"I was stopped by two men in a government-registered vehicle, blindfolded and dragged off the street. They took me away to a house in a place I did not know. I was forced into a room with blood all over the walls and floor, where two men lay. I couldn't tell if they were dead or alive. They had been...
Japan Times
May 10, 2013
Nation fails to make most of refugees
Refugees in Japan are acutely underutilized and the nation should stop turning a blind eye to their skills and potential if it wants to generate economic growth, according to freelance journalist Kaoru Nemoto, who describes them as "professionals of survival."
Mar 13, 2007
Japan is obliged to accept refugees, so why so few?
In 1981, Japan signed the U.N. 1951 Conventions Relating to the Status of Refugees and in 1982, it inked the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees and enacted the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law. Signatories are obliged to give refugees due recognition and protect their basic...
Dec 22, 1998
Myanmar men gain refugee status
The Justice Ministry granted refugee status to two Myanmar men on Tuesday, bringing the number of refugees recognized this year to 16, sources said.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly