Tag - quantitative-easing



Japan Times
Apr 22, 2020
Debunking the myth of ‘helicopter money’
What does Modern Monetary Theory actually say about financing government borrowing and spending?
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 15, 2019
Trump, despite solid U.S. growth, says Fed should fire up crisis-era stimulus
President Donald Trump said on Sunday that actions by the U.S. Federal Reserve have nicked U.S. economic growth and stock market gains by perhaps 30 percent, and that it should begin pumping money into the economy as it did during the 2007-2009 recession.
Jan 26, 2017
Trump owes everything to the Bank of Japan
The rise of Donald Trump serves as a warning to Shinzo Abe: Too much quantitative easing can fan the flames of populism.
Japan Times
Nov 20, 2015
BOJ easing seen as blunt tool by one fund, blowing bubbles by another
TCW Group Inc. says the Bank of Japan has made a mistake and should exit quantitative easing as soon as possible. Invesco Ltd. says the only error was not starting sooner.
Sep 16, 2015
Bank of Japan shields bonds from equity storm with steady buying
Amid a storm of volatility in Japanese stocks, the Bank of Japan has kept the bond market a pool of serenity.
Mar 15, 2015
Fed under attack for its bailouts and posturing
The Federal Reserve is under attack, as bills subjecting the U.S. central bank to 'auditing' by the Government Accountability Office are likely to be passed by both houses of Congress.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 23, 2015
Draghi commits to €1.1 trillion QE plan in deflation fight
Mario Draghi led the European Central Bank into a new era with a historic pledge to buy government bonds as part of an asset-purchase program worth about €1.1 trillion ($1.3 trillion).
Mar 10, 2014
BOJ forced into treasury bill binge amid failure to spur demand for loans
The Bank of Japan's failure to spur demand for its cheap loans is forcing it to buy more treasury bills rather than make more productive asset purchases.
Mar 9, 2014
Flexible exchange rates offset tapering effects
Since most major economies operate under a flexible exchange-rate regime, financial market concerns about capital flight from developing countries as the U.S. Fed exits its quantitative easing policy are largely unwarranted.
Feb 13, 2014
Does Fed chief have a sense of duty to global economy?
Emerging markets wait to see whether new U.S. Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen has any inkling of the international pain that American policies are causing to the global economy.
Oct 31, 2013
Pros and cons of continuing the money ride for the rich
It is time for the Fed to understand that the U.S., too, is part of the global economy and to consider whether it should continue running its money ride for the rich — aka quantitative easing.
Sep 22, 2013
The Fed's surprise decision
The decision by the U.S. Fed to continue its bond-buying program surprised financial market players who had thought that the U.S. was on a path of gradual economic recovery.
Aug 18, 2013
Fed could attempt tiny QE taper to defuse tense financial markets
There has been an abundance of hand-wringing on Wall Street over when the Federal Reserve will begin scaling back the monthly bond purchases that have boosted the stock market and tamped down interest rates.
Jun 25, 2013
Fed hedge on transparency
Investors will be be debating what the U.S. Federal Reserve chairman meant last week until his next speech. That in itself is a threshold — not a trigger.
Japan Times
May 26, 2013
Mr. Abe: Bag the nukes and heed the Keeling Curve
Dear Prime Minister Abe,
Japan Times
May 6, 2013
'Abenomics' meets curse of the second 100 days — will the mirage last?
The accomplishments of the first 100 days in office are a favorite benchmark for democratic leaders. It's thought to offer a preview of his or her worldview, ambition and political fortune.


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