Tag - protests



Japan Times
Dec 2, 2014
Hong Kong student leader calls on democracy protesters to regroup after announcing hunger strike
Hong Kong student leader Joshua Wong urged pro-democracy protesters to regroup in the heart of the city Tuesday, less than a day after he announced he would go on hunger strike to demand electoral reform.
Japan Times
Dec 1, 2014
Protests, mockery erupt after charges against Egypt's Mubarak are dropped
Protests erupted at universities across Egypt on Sunday, condemning a court decision to drop criminal charges against Hosni Mubarak, the strongman whose ouster in the 2011 uprising raised hopes of a new era of political openness.
BUSINESS / Economy
Dec 1, 2014
Hong Kong counts cost of protests on city's core shopping districts
Hong Kong is expected to report a drop in October retail sales on Monday, providing the first broad look at the impact of pro-democracy protests on core shopping areas after demonstrators blocked key roads and scared off mainland Chinese tourists.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 30, 2014
Egyptian court drops case against Mubarak over 2011 killings
An Egyptian court has dropped its case against former President Hosni Mubarak over the killing of protesters in the 2011 uprising that ended his 30-year rule and symbolized hopes for a new era of political openness and accountability.
Nov 29, 2014
Hong Kong protesters clash with police after new clampdown
Thousands of prodemocracy activists clashed with police during running scuffles in Hong Kong's gritty Mong Kok district early Saturday in a bid to reclaim part of one of the city's largest and most volatile protest sites.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2014
A world away from Ferguson but feeling the flames
I went through an entire day in Yokohama without a single person mentioning that my country was on fire. Of course, they knew, but what could they have said, anyway?
Nov 27, 2014
More than 400 arrested as Ferguson protests spread to other U.S. cities
National Guard troops and police aimed to head off a third night of violence on Wednesday in Ferguson, Missouri, as more than 400 people have been arrested in the St. Louis suburb and around the United States in unrest after a white policeman was cleared in the killing of an unarmed black teenager.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 26, 2014
For Ferguson teen's family, civil lawsuit may be only recourse to justice
Without a criminal indictment, Michael Brown's family might have no better legal recourse than to sue local authorities for the African-American teenager's fatal shooting by a white police officer from Ferguson, Missouri.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 26, 2014
In Ferguson, a riot foreseen but not avoided
It was a riot everyone saw coming. For three months police and protesters had drilled separately to prepare for the worst if the grand jury decided not to indict white policeman Darren Wilson for the shooting death of black teenager Michael Brown.
Japan Times
Nov 26, 2014
Hong Kong student leaders arrested as police move on protest site
Hong Kong police on Wednesday arrested Joshua Wong and Lester Shum, two of the student leaders at the heart of pro-democracy protests that have shaken the Asian financial hub since August, and began swiftly clearing a major demonstration site.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 23, 2014
UKIP victory sets stage for EU upheaval
Some 16,867 voters in southeast England ushered in a season of European political tumult that in an extreme scenario could lead to Britain exiting the European Union, Greece quitting the euro or Catalonia seceding from Spain.
Nov 18, 2014
Britain says will not block sales of tear gas to Hong Kong
Britain said on Monday that it had decided not to block the sale of tear gas to Hong Kong, having reviewed its export policy after police there used the gas against pro-democracy protesters in September.
Japan Times
Nov 18, 2014
Pop idol's funeral draws biggest crowds in Iran since 2009 unrest
The funeral of Iranian pop idol Morteza Pashaie drew the biggest crowds seen in Iran since mass protests in 2009 rocked the Islamic Republic.
Japan Times
Nov 11, 2014
Hong Kong protesters told to clear streets or risk arrest
Hong Kong's acting chief executive on Tuesday called on pro-democracy protesters to clear sites they have occupied for more than six weeks and warned holdouts they could face arrest, a move that could swell protest numbers.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 9, 2014
'I've had enough,' says Mexican attorney general in massacre gaffe
After weeks fielding questions about the abduction and apparent massacre of 43 trainee teachers by corrupt police in league with drug gang members, Mexico's Attorney General Jesus Murillo has had enough.
Japan Times
Nov 5, 2014
U.K. loath to pressure China over Hong Kong because of trade, former governor says
Britain is not putting enough pressure on China to stick to its side of an agreement on the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty because it is worried about damaging trade links, former Hong Kong Gov. Chris Patten said on Tuesday.
Oct 27, 2014
Thousands of Hungarians protest Internet traffic tax
Thousands of Hungarians protested in Budapest on Sunday against a planned new tax on Internet data transfers, which they said would not only increase the tax burden but would also curb fundamental democratic rights and freedoms.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 26, 2014
Special report: why Ukraine's revolution remains unfinished
In the afternoon of Feb. 20, after the morning's dead had been cleared away, Volodymyr Melnychuk arrived outside Kiev's October palace.
Japan Times
Oct 20, 2014
Hopes to end deadlock in Hong Kong hang on Tuesday talks
A deepening sense of impasse gripped Hong Kong as pro-democracy protests entered their fourth week, with the government having limited options to end the crisis and demonstrators increasingly willing to confront police.
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2014
Russia, Ukraine near deal on gas supplies after tough Milan talks
Russia and Ukraine made progress on Friday toward resolving a dispute over gas supplies in time for winter, but European leaders said Moscow still has to do much more to prop up a fragile cease-fire and end fighting in eastern Ukraine.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?