Tag - protests



Japan Times
Dec 16, 2019
China's Xi vows support for Hong Kong leader during 'most difficult' time
Chinese President Xi Jinping met Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam in Beijing on Monday, saying he recognizes her courage to govern the financial hub in these "most difficult" times.
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2019
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang says Hong Kong not yet out of protest 'dilemma'
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam in Beijing on Monday, saying the Asian financial hub was not yet out of the "dilemma" facing the city's economy after months of sometimes violent protests. Li met with Lam during a regular duty visit where she is also due to hold a potentially...
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2019
Student protests against India's citizenship law spread after clashes on campuses
Protests over a new citizenship law based on religion spread to student campuses across India on Monday as critics said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government was pushing a partisan agenda in conflict with India's founding as a secular republic.
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2019
Hong Kong protesters clash with police as Carrie Lam visits Beijing
Hong Kong's demonstrators clashed with police late Sunday as Chief Executive Carrie Lam visited Beijing, where she's expected to update Chinese President Xi Jinping and other senior officials on the violent protests that have gripped the city for the past six months.
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2019
Thai opposition plans more protests after thousands join rally
Thailand's highest-profile opposition party warned of more demonstrations after drawing thousands of people to an anti-government rally Saturday that also protested the prospect of its looming dissolution.
Japan Times
Dec 14, 2019
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam heads for Beijing amid speculation of changes at top
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam left for Beijing on Saturday for her first visit to the Chinese capital since her government was handed a crushing defeat in local elections last month, prompting speculation about changes to her leadership team.
Japan Times
Dec 14, 2019
South Korean protesters destroy portraits of U.S. ambassador
Protesters angry over American demands that South Korea pay more for defence destroyed portraits of the U.S. ambassador stuck on blocks of tofu outside the U.S. Embassy on Friday after police warned them against staging a more aggressive demonstration.
Japan Times
Dec 10, 2019
'Fangirls' defend China from Hong Kong protesters and the world
For Li Mo, the footage of black-clad people clashing with police and vandalizing storefronts proved the final straw. The images of Hong Kong protesters fighting for greater autonomy from Beijing incensed the mainland-born postgraduate student and she could no longer remain on the sidelines. So, she joined...
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2019
How Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's tycoon 'Superman,' went from friend of China to punching bag
In January 1993, an ambitious Chinese Communist Party boss — 39 years old, chubby cheeks and a mop of black hair — visited Hong Kong. He was seeking out the city's rich among the shimmering skyscrapers, hoping to secure investment in Fuzhou, the second-tier city he ran in mainland China. His name...
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2019
Hong Kong gears up for lunchtime rallies after weekend unrest
Hong Kong protesters geared up for a week of lunchtime rallies Monday, a day after a mass demonstration showed the anti-government movement can still draw people to the streets even after sweeping recent gains by democrats in district elections.
Nov 29, 2019
Democracy wins in Hong Kong, but for how long?
Japan must speak up loudly in behalf of democracy in Hong Kong and make clear that there cannot be business as usual — and certainly no visit to Japan by Xi next year — if there is a resort to force to democracy.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Nov 26, 2019
China's e-commerce giant Alibaba debuts in Hong Kong
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Inc. made a strong debut on the Hong Kong stock market Tuesday, with its shares trading far above the $176 Hong Kong dollar (¥2,450) offer price.
Japan Times
Nov 26, 2019
China sets up Hong Kong crisis center in mainland and considers replacing chief liaison
Tightening its control over efforts to manage the upheaval in Hong Kong, the Chinese leadership has set up a crisis command center on the mainland side of the border and is considering replacing its official liaison to the restive semi-autonomous city, people familiar with the matter have said.
Japan Times
Nov 26, 2019
Landslide democratic win puts pressure on leader of Chinese-ruled Hong Kong
Hong Kong's leader said on Monday she would listen to public opinion after a landslide election victory by opponents of Chinese rule amid months of sometimes violent pro-democracy unrest.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 25, 2019
As Xi visit nears, Abe urges China to maintain free and open Hong Kong
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged China on Monday to maintain a free and open Hong Kong, as police continue their crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in the semi-autonomous territory.
Japan Times
Nov 25, 2019
Landslide democratic win in Hong Kong election raises pressure on city's leader
Hong Kong's democrats scored a landslide majority in district council elections Sunday, which saw a record turnout after six months of anti-government protests, increasing pressure on the city's embattled chief executive, Carrie Lam, on Monday to listen to pro-democracy calls.
Japan Times
Nov 23, 2019
Hong Kong campus siege nears end as city gears up for election
A Hong Kong university campus under siege for more than a week was a deserted wasteland Saturday, with a handful of protesters holed up in hidden refuges across the trashed grounds, as the city's focus turned to local elections.
Japan Times
Nov 23, 2019
Trump vague about whether he will veto legislation that backs Hong Kong protesters
U.S. President Donald Trump was vague on Friday about whether he would sign or veto legislation to back protesters in Hong Kong as he tries to strike a trade deal with China, and boasted that he alone had prevented Beijing from crushing the demonstrations with a million soldiers.
Japan Times
Nov 21, 2019
Iran's President Rouhani claims victory over unrest that Amnesty says left at least 106 dead
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declared on Wednesday that street unrest had been put down in a victory over foreign enemies, after a wave of violent demonstrations swept the country following a hike in fuel prices last week.
Japan Times
Nov 21, 2019
Hong Kong students' escape via snake-infested sewers thwarted
Some anti-government protesters trapped inside a Hong Kong university on Wednesday tried to flee through the sewers, where one student said she saw snakes, but firemen prevented further escape bids by blocking a manhole into the system.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals