Tag - protests



Jun 22, 2015
China claims protest group paid 'regular' people to demonstrate
Police in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong have busted a group it said organized mass protests in an attempt to sway court cases and influence sentences, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2015
China extends reach into Hong Kong to thwart democrats
Hong Kong's democrats have won their battle to veto a Beijing-backed electoral reform package, but they now face an increasingly organized campaign by pro-Chinese government movements in the longer war over the democratic future of the former British colony.
Jun 18, 2015
Hong Kong vetoes China-backed electoral reform proposal
Hong Kong's legislature on Thursday vetoed a China-vetted electoral reform package that had been criticized by opposition prodemocracy lawmakers and activists as undemocratic, potentially easing the prospect of fresh mass protests.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2015
Hong Kong on high alert as new democracy showdown looms
Hong Kong's leader warned Tuesday that violence will not be tolerated, a day after authorities arrested 10 people and seized suspected explosives ahead of a crucial vote on a China-backed electoral reform package this week.
Japan Times
Jun 15, 2015
Hong Kong arrests bomb-making suspects ahead of electoral reform vote
Hong Kong police arrested nine people and seized suspected explosives, authorities said Monday as the city went on high alert ahead of a crucial vote on a China-backed electoral reform package that sparked widespread protests last year.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 9, 2015
History becomes a weapon in Russia-West rift over Ukraine
History has become a weapon in Russia's battle with the West over Ukraine as President Vladimir Putin looks increasingly to the past to whip up patriotism and rally support.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2015
China says U.S. calls for Tiananmen accounting are 'unprovoked accusations'
China criticized the United States on Friday for "unprovoked accusations" in calling on Beijing to account for the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown on prodemocracy protesters.
Jun 5, 2015
Relatives in China ship disaster say they were beaten by police
Relatives of passengers missing in the sinking of the Eastern Star cruise ship on the Yangtze River have accused Chinese police of beating them when they sought more information about the disaster.
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2015
Kin breach police cordon, head toward Yangtze shipwreck site as survivor hopes fade
Dozens of people broke through a police cordon on Wednesday as they marched toward the site of a sunken cruise ship in the Yangtze River to demand news of missing relatives.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 31, 2015
U.S. police have shot dead 385 people in five months
U.S. police have shot and killed 385 people during the first five months of this year, a rate of more than two a day, the Washington Post reported Saturday.
Japan Times
May 30, 2015
More than 200 protesters stage provocative anti-Islam rally outside Phoenix mosque
More than 200 protesters, some armed, berated Islam and its Prophet Muhammad outside an Arizona mosque Friday in a provocative protest that was denounced by counterprotesters shouting "Go home, Nazis," weeks after an anti-Muslim event in Texas came under attack by two gunmen.
WORLD / Society
May 11, 2015
Singer Prince takes to the stage in Baltimore with 'Rally 4 Peace' show
Reclusive rocker Prince took to the stage in Baltimore on Sunday evening in a "Rally 4 Peace" concert in response to the death of a 25-year-old man from injuries suffered in police custody and the riots that followed, telling the crowd, "We are here for you."
Japan Times
May 3, 2015
'Sunagawa Struggle' ignited anti-U.S. base resistance across Japan
On May 4, 1955, a black car rolled into the Tokyo suburb of Sunagawa and sparked one of biggest anti-U.S. base protests in history.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 2, 2015
Baltimore homicide charges could face swift initial court test
The chief Baltimore prosecutor, who came out swinging on Friday with charges against six police officers in the death of a 25-year-old man, could be quickly asked to disclose some of the potential evidence she has collected.
Japan Times
Apr 29, 2015
Woman seen slapping teen for rioting in Baltimore cheered as 'Mom of Year'
A woman captured on video slapping her teenage son for taking part in the Baltimore riots, a reprimand that went viral online on Tuesday, won praise from the city's police commissioner and was heralded on social media as "Mom of the Year."
Apr 29, 2015
Baltimore: a U.S. city of haves and have-nots
In the 1950s Baltimore was the sixth-largest city in the United States with a peak population of nearly 950,000. Now the riot-hit metropolis ranks 26th on that measure and scores as one of the less equal American cities when measured by income and educational achievement.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2015
Hong Kong toes China line with reform package, stoking talks of more protests
The Hong Kong government published a long-awaited electoral blueprint for selecting the city's next leader on Wednesday, a plan enshrining China's desire for a tightly controlled poll that has angered activists and stoked talk of fresh protests.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?