Tag - privacy



Mar 16, 2013
Browser makers consider limits to tracking users
It is often hard to tell which is the Web's priority: helping you learn about the world or helping the world — and especially advertisers — learn about you.
WORLD / Society
Feb 23, 2013
25% of U.S. teens harassed online by partner
In another mark of the increasingly digital life of teenagers, more than 25 percent of those who dated said their love interests threatened or harassed them online or using texts, according to a new study that is touted as the most comprehensive look at the phenomenon.
Jan 25, 2013
Naming slain captives raises privacy issues
The victims' right to privacy was pitted against the public's right to know as the media pressed for the names of the Algerian hostage crisis victims to be disclosed while the government and JGC Corp. remained tight-lipped, but Tokyo finally caved Friday, revealing the identities of the firm's 10 slain...
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Sep 16, 2010
Privacy not an issue for geolocation apps
Where are you right now ... and do you want to share that information with your social network? Geolocation apps want to know.
LIFE / Digital / Japan Pulse
Sep 17, 2009
Google Japan explains Street View adorably
Google Japan gets cute with its explanation of Street View.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan