Tag - pregnancy



WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 3, 2017
Scientists create first artificial mouse 'embryo' from stem cells
Scientists in Britain have for the first time created a structure that resembles a mouse embryo using a 3D scaffold and two types of stem cells — research that deepens understanding of the earliest stages of mammalian development.
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 3, 2017
Malaria drug for pregnant women also combats sexually transmitted infections
A drug given to pregnant women to combat malaria also offers protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and boosting doses of the "double protection" treatment cuts the risk of infant deaths, researchers said on Thursday.
WORLD / Science & Health
Feb 17, 2017
Air pollution is linked to 2.7 million premature births a year
Curbing outdoor air pollution may help prevent 2.7 million premature births a year, a condition that threatens children's lives and increases their risk of long-term physical and neurological problems, scientists said on Thursday.
WORLD / Science & Health
Dec 30, 2016
U.K. aid body funding drone deliveries aimed at saving mothers, babies in Tanzania
Drones delivering blood and medicine to rural areas of Tanzania could help to save the lives of many mothers and newborn babies in a country where one of the biggest causes of maternal deaths is blood loss during childbirth, the U.K. aid department said.
Dec 5, 2016
France and the 'right' to be spared from guilt
A French court is censoring a video that says Down syndrome children can be happy.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Sep 30, 2016
Japan governors wear 'pregnancy' vests to urge men to help at home
In Japan, where women do five times as much housework as men, three male politicians have donned "pregnancy" vests in a campaign urging men to help out more at home.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2016
Nagoya student goes on world tour with pregnancy vest
A Japanese student has been traveling the world wearing a pregnancy simulator and inviting men to put on the 10 kg vest to feel the struggles faced by expectant women.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan