Tag - pope-francis



Japan Times
Sep 27, 2015
Celebrated in China, Xi's U.S. profile dims in shadow of pope
On Friday morning, Chinese President Xi Jinping enjoyed the symbolic high point of his first state visit to the United States — a 21-gun salute as he stood with President Barack Obama outside the White House.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 25, 2015
Pope to divided Congress: Welcome immigrants, end poverty, protect human life in all stages
Pope Francis challenged a divided U.S. Congress to do more to welcome immigrants and conquer poverty through a fairer distribution of wealth in a passionate, historic address that confronted America's thorniest political problems.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 25, 2015
City of Brotherly Love shooing parkway's homeless amid security sweep for papal presence
Amid misty waterfalls and art museums along the parkway where Pope Francis will hold a public Mass in Philadelphia Sunday, makeshift abodes belonging to some of the city's homeless are coming down.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 24, 2015
Pope couches sexual abuses as 'difficult moments' in call to U.S. bishops to avoid further costly scandals
Pope Francis on Wednesday told U.S. Roman Catholic bishops that crimes of sexual abuse of minors by clergy should never be repeated, acknowledging the damage caused by years of scandal in the U.S. Catholic Church.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 24, 2015
Francis at White House lauds Obama, embraces GOP taboos: environment, poverty, immigration
Pope Francis on Wednesday urged the United States to help tackle climate change and touched on other divisive U.S. political issues such as immigration and economic inequality on his first visit to the world's richest nation.
Japan Times
Sep 23, 2015
Pope Francis remains flamboyantly fact-free
The pope's ideas would devastate the poor on whose behalf he purports to speak — if his policy prescriptions were not as implausible as his social diagnoses are shrill.
Japan Times
Sep 23, 2015
Security precautions unprecedented for pope's U.S. whistle-stop Itinerary
Pope Francis opened his six-day U.S. tour on Tuesday, bringing a call for Americans to do more to fight poverty, curb climate change and help immigrants.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 23, 2015
Rule by Fiat: Modesty, conciliation, lean machine signal start of Catholic leader's U.S. visit
Pope Francis launched his first visit to the United States with a characteristic gesture of humility on Tuesday, and sent a conciliatory message to the world's wealthiest nation about his frequent criticism of capitalism.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 7, 2015
Every European parish should host a refugee family, pope says
Pope Francis called on Sunday on every European church parish and religious community to take in one refugee family in a gesture of solidarity, which he said would start in the tiny Vatican state where he lives.
WORLD / Society
Sep 2, 2015
All priests should forgive abortions during Holy Year, pope proclaims
Pope Francis will give all priests discretion during the Roman Catholic Church's Holy Year to formally forgive women who have had abortions — the Argentine pontiff's latest move toward a more open and inclusive church.
Japan Times
Jul 20, 2015
Reconsidering man's dominion over animals
If Pope Francis can change people's views of animal welfare, he will have done more good than any other pope in recent history.
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2015
Pope heads home to Rome after urging youth in Paraguay to help their peers, seek dignity
Pope Francis, drawing to a close his three-country tour of South America, on Sunday urged tens of thousands of youths in Paraguay to look after their less fortunate peers and fight for a dignified life filled with hope and strength.
Jul 9, 2015
Pope drinks coca tea on way to highlands of Bolivia
Pope Francis drank a tea of coca leaves, chamomile flower and anise seeds on the plane to Bolivia from Ecuador Wednesday to ward off altitude sickness upon arrival at the highest international airport in the world.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jul 4, 2015
Catholic Church should not have 'leaders for life,' pope says
The Roman Catholic Church should not have "leaders for life" in its ranks, otherwise it would risk being like a country under dictatorship, Pope Francis said on Friday.
Jun 26, 2015
Pope Francis as environmentalist
Pope Francis has issued a powerful call on mankind to protect the environment, achieving an important alignment of science and religion.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jun 22, 2015
Pope venerates Shroud of Turin, in city of his migrant forbears
Pope Francis on Sunday stopped to pray before an item some Christians believe is Jesus' burial cloth, during a visit to the Italian city of Turin.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jun 22, 2015
Pope venerates Shroud of Turin, tells how refugees' plight 'makes one cry'
Pope Francis said on Sunday the mistreatment of migrants escaping war and injustice "makes one cry" as he visited the northern Italian city of Turin, stopping to pray before an icon some Christians believe is Jesus' burial cloth.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2015
In leaked draft encyclical, pope urges urgent action to thwart climate change
The world could see the destruction of entire ecosystems this century without urgent action on climate change, Pope Francis says in a draft of his keenly awaited encyclical on the environment.
May 14, 2015
Pope Francis is right to call for climate action
U.S. conservatives are dead wrong for criticizing Pope Francis' message on protecting the environment.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?