Tag - poor



By enabling a few wealthy individuals to wield disproportionate influence, today’s global economy increasingly marginalizes and disenfranchises much of the world’s population.
Aug 4, 2024
To preserve democracy, tax the rich
What the world needs are progressive tax systems that redistribute income from the rich to the poor without weakening socially beneficial incentives.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2018
Anger in America has been building for years
U.S. elites have spent decades creating the conditions for a figure like Trump to emerge.
Dec 13, 2016
Capitalism is for everyone?
Capitalism clearly doesn't work for everyone, but Louis Kelso's vision of social capitalism just might.
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 16, 2016
1.1 billion people have high blood pressure as more poor suffer: study
The number of people with high blood pressure has almost doubled in 40 years to over 1.1 billion worldwide, scientists said on Wednesday, with the burden of the condition shifting from the rich to the poor.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2016
'Young Folks in Metropolis' is a great showcase for Japan's indie acts
Various artists "Young Folks in Metropolis" (Self-released)
Japan Times
Sep 6, 2016
Ending American poverty: mission impossible?
There's no powerful mandate for a vast new anti-poverty program.
Jun 23, 2015
A way of helping the poor that actually works
Ideas to help the world's poorest people should be funded based on evidence that they work — not hope.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Mar 27, 2015
Pope Francis meets homeless on private visit to Sistine Chapel
Pope Francis made a surprise personal visit to 150 homeless people on a special tour of the Sistine Chapel on Thursday, in the latest nod to his vision of creating a church for the poor.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Feb 10, 2015
Lawsuits claim Ferguson, other Missouri town engaging in debtors' prison scheme
Ferguson, Missouri, and a second St. Louis suburb are being accused in separate lawsuits of operating a "debtors' prison scheme," illegally jailing poor people who are unable to pay traffic tickets or fines tied to other minor offenses.
Japan Times
Dec 6, 2014
Poverty takes on a new look in today's Japan
In the early years of the 21st century, such neologisms as nyū puā (new poor) and wākingu puā (working poor) began appearing in the Japanese media. Like their equivalents overseas, the terms were typically applied to people unable to realize a decent livelihood while holding down a job, or even more...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
May 18, 2014
Japan's working poor left behind by 'Abenomics'
Last Christmas Eve, Ririko Saito and her 11-year-old daughter gathered some plastic bottles, pots and a kettle and made several trips to a nearby park to get water. Their utility had just turned off the tap after months of unpaid bills.
Mar 31, 2014
The world's poor have rights, too
A New York economics professor argues that the West's efforts to help the poor, or even to understand what holds them back, have been defeated by the failure to recognize them as individuals with rights.
Jan 4, 2014
Not all kids can fete the new year
The extreme poor in Japan make up a larger percentage of the poor than in all except five other OECD nations. The children of this group do not have the basics for learning.
Sep 22, 2013
Politicians hardly ever mention America's poor
American Republican and Democratic politicians have one thing in common: They hardly mention the poor.
Sep 11, 2013
A dream for the digital age: Internet access for all
Giving the five billion people who still stuck in the paper age digital access would transform their lives in a very positive way.
Sep 10, 2013
America's shattered dream
In recent years the trend toward extremes in income and wealth has accelerated significantly in the U.S. Is the collapse of the American dream at hand
Jul 20, 2013
Tokyo homeless, Olympics cancelled, medals given for kindness, Mandela's birthday feted
Summer is generally a good season for employment-seekers of the laboring classes. This summer, however, there are twice as many unemployed men as usual. The Free Lodging House of Honjo, Tokyo, for instance, generally takes in about 20 lodgers nightly during the hot months, but this season some 45 are finding shelter there every night.
Apr 22, 2013
A thousand days to keep Millennium promise
This month the world reached a benchmark in history's largest anti-poverty push — 1,000 days before the target to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.


It's back to the classroom for some residents as municipal governments across the country conduct lessons to learn how to use new technologies.
Can aging Japan go digital without leaving anyone behind?