Tag - pompeo



Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 24, 2018
Mike Pompeo grudgingly affirms Russia tried to help Trump win, as intel agencies concluded in 2017
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo acknowledged — after prodding by lawmakers — that he backs the finding by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential campaign to hurt Hillary Clinton and ultimately help Donald Trump.
May 17, 2018
U.S. reportedly demanded North Korea ship nuclear warheads and an ICBM abroad within six months
The United Stated has demanded North Korea ship some nuclear warheads, an intercontinental ballistic missile and other nuclear material overseas within six months, the Asahi newspaper said on Thursday, citing several sources familiar with North Korean issues.
Japan Times
May 14, 2018
Top U.S. diplomat Pompeo stokes concern over North Korea as Abe seeks to avoid being shut out of diplomatic process
Worries are running high in Tokyo that the mercurial Trump will leave Japan in the lurch.
Japan Times
May 14, 2018
John Bolton: U.S. sanctions 'possible' on European firms over Iran even if EU stays in nuclear deal
White House National Security adviser John Bolton on Sunday said U.S. sanctions on European companies that do business with Iran were "possible, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he remained hopeful Washington and its allies could strike a new nuclear deal with Tehran.
Japan Times
May 10, 2018
Trump welcomes three Americans freed by North Korea in diplomatic win for U.S. president
U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed home three Americans who had been detained by North Korea, greeting the trio at an air base outside Washington early Thursday after they were released hours earlier by Pyongyang. The release gives Trump a key diplomatic victory ahead of a highly anticipated summit...
Japan Times
Apr 30, 2018
Mike Pompeo says he spoke with North Korea's Kim about denuclearization 'mechanism'
Newly minted U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday he has spoken with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un about how the isolated country might relinquish its nuclear arsenal and what a "complete, verifiable, irreversible mechanism might look like."
Japan Times
Apr 27, 2018
When Pompeo met Kim: White House releases images of historic moment
The White House released photos of new U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shaking hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, marking the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit the pariah nation since 2000.
Japan Times
Apr 19, 2018
Trump says he would walk away if Kim summit isn't 'fruitful'
U.S. President Donald Trump voiced hopes Wednesday of a successful planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un but warned that he could "respectfully" walk away if it appeared the talks would not be "fruitful."
Japan Times
Apr 19, 2018
Trump confirms CIA chief visited North Korea for secret meeting with Kim Jong Un
U.S. President Donald Trump confirmed Wednesday that CIA chief Mike Pompeo had held clandestine talks with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, as the two nations move closer to a landmark summit that would see their sitting leaders meet for first time ever.
WORLD / Politics
Apr 17, 2018
As Trump secretary of state pick Mike Pompeo hits opposition, Senate GOP leaders may bypass panel
A Senate panel appears increasingly likely to vote against the nomination of Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state next week, but Republican leaders say they still plan to hold a full Senate confirmation vote.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2018
Mike Pompeo optimistic on Kim-Trump summit, but ‘America first’ remarks likely to trigger concern in Tokyo and Seoul
U.S. Secretary of State-designate Mike Pompeo voiced cautious optimism in President Donald Trump's ability to negotiate a nuclear deal with Pyongyang, but also struck a tone on the issue that was likely to trigger concern in Tokyo and Seoul, during a Senate confirmation hearing Thursday.
Japan Times
Apr 2, 2018
Trump's new national security team cause for concern
A dangerous world could become more dangerous still.
Japan Times
Mar 16, 2018
For good or bad, Pompeo is the anti-Tillerson
Trump's foreign policy hasn't been the disaster that many feared, but he may still capsize the ship
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 14, 2018
Change of U.S. secretary of state chief not likely to affect relations with Japan
The government reacted calmly to the sudden dismissal of U.S. Secretary of the State Rex Tillerson, saying the alliance between the two countries remains strong.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2018
New top U.S. diplomat's hawkish views on Iran put North Korea detente in question
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 14, 2018
Gina Haspel, linked to 'black site' torture and coverup, tapped by Trump to head CIA
Gina Haspel, a veteran CIA clandestine officer picked by President Donald Trump on Tuesday to head the CIA, is a controversial figure, backed by many in the U.S. intelligence community but regarded warily by some in Congress for her involvement in the agency's "black site" detention facilities.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks