Tag - pensions



Former digital minister Taro Kono has long counted reform of social security and pensions among his pet policies.
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Feb 17, 2025
It’s time to get serious on the pension system, ex-digital minister says
The pension study group offers Taro Kono an opportunity to tentatively step back into the limelight after an unusually quiet period.
Currently, companies with 51 or more employees must have their part-time workers join the kosei nenkin program. The government plans to lower that threshold to 21 employees in October 2027 and scrap it two years later.
Jan 21, 2025
Japan to have more part-timers join employee pension program
The government plans to lower the corporate size threshold for part-timers joining the pension program from 51 or more employees to 21 in October 2027.
The government's pension reform plan under consideration will make it easier for part-timers to join the kosei nenkin employee pension program.
JAPAN / Society
Dec 8, 2024
Japan to scrap ¥1.06 million employee pension threshold in 2026
The government also plans to abolish a requirement that companies must have at least 51 employees for employees to join the kosei nenkin program.
If the economic situation remains the same as in the past 30 years, the financially fragile basic pensions are projected to continue decreasing until fiscal 2057, with the basic pensions for people aged 65 expected to be 30% lower than the current amount.
JAPAN / Society
Nov 26, 2024
Japan's government proposes raising future basic pensions by 30%
The biggest obstacle will be whether Japan can secure stable financial resources for the measure.
Health minister Takamaro Fukuoka in an interview last week
Nov 24, 2024
Government aims to ease care worker shortages through wage hikes
Staff shortages at care facilities are "very serious," Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Takamaro Fukuoka said.
Government Pension Investment Fund saw a loss of 3.6% in the three months through September, with assets totaling ¥248.2 trillion ($1.6 trillion), it said Friday.
BUSINESS / Companies
Nov 1, 2024
GPIF has worst loss since 2020 as yen strength hits assets
GPIF, one of the world’s largest state pension funds, incurred losses in three of four major asset classes.
Political parties are highlighting measures to reform the health care system for the elderly and the public pension system as the population ages.
Oct 17, 2024
Parties highlight measures for working generation
The country's health care and public pension systems are being discussed ahead of the upcoming general election.
Elderly people rest at a park in Beijing on May 22.
Sep 24, 2024
China's retirement reforms not enough to fix pension headache
Lawmakers fast-tracked the policy without public consultation in September
Elderly people rest at a park in Fuyang in eastern China's Anhui province on Friday.  China said the same day that it would gradually raise its statutory retirement age, as the country grapples with a looming demographic crisis and an older population.
Sep 14, 2024
China’s first retirement age hike since 1978 triggers discontent
The move could stem a decline in the labor force but risks angering workers already wrestling with a slowing economy.
The government is considering asking more people age 75 or over to pay 30% of their medical costs.
JAPAN / Society
Sep 13, 2024
Japan may require more elderly people to foot 30% of their medical costs
Currently, those age 75 or older pay in principle 10%, while those with preretirement levels of income pay 30%.
Commuters sit at a cafe in Sydney on Feb. 26.
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 11, 2024
Over a third of Australians say they’ll never be able to retire
Australia’s proportion of retirees is expected to surge from 8% today to 19% over the next 40 years.
Michie Hino, 77, works at an elderly care home in Chiba Prefecture. She is one of a growing number of senior Japanese citizens working into their 70s.
JAPAN / Society / FOCUS
Sep 5, 2024
Working till your 70s — Japan's prospective gift to the world
A struggling pension system and the highest inflation in decades have led more Japanese people to delay retirement until their 70s or later to make ends meet.
The current survivor pension benefits system for couples without children has different criteria for payments depending on the recipient's gender.
JAPAN / Society
Jul 31, 2024
Ministry proposes changes to pension payments to surviving spouses
Under the welfare ministry plan, payments would be limited to five years for both men and women in the 20s to 50s without children.
NEC employees attend a Japan Asset Management seminar to learn about building up financial assets.
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
Jul 29, 2024
Japanese firms helping employees build up financial assets
Companies are inviting financial experts to guide employees on managing their pension plans and provide insights into the revamped NISA.
Elderly people dance in a park in Beijing on Jan. 16.
Jul 22, 2024
China to allow delayed retirement to combat population woes
The country is struggling to relieve soaring pressure on pension budgets, with many provinces already facing deficits.
Data has shown that Western pension funds may inadvertently be helping Russian President Vladimir Putin as Moscow looks to ramp up liquefied natural gas exports to replenish Kremlin coffers and fund its war in Ukraine.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 21, 2024
How U.S. pension funds help Putin’s gas gambit
The case spotlights the opacity of the global finance and how hard it remains to sever Moscow from a key revenue source even two years after the Ukraine invasion.
The proportion of public pension benefit payments to disposable income of working generations in Japan is projected to drop to a little over 50% in 33 years.
JAPAN / Society
Jul 3, 2024
Japan public pension benefit rate seen falling to 50% in fiscal year 2057
The calculations are based on assumptions that the economy will maintain a certain level of growth and that the population will remain the same.
The health ministry says it will conduct its first survey on how much foreign residents are paying in health insurance and pension premiums.
JAPAN / Society
May 28, 2024
Health ministry to collect data on insurance premium payments by foreign residents
The ministry currently has no data on how much foreign nationals are paying in terms of health insurance payments and pension premiums.
Cleaning worker Hu Dexi, 67, at a shopping mall in Beijing on April 10
BUSINESS / Economy
May 8, 2024
In rapidly aging China, millions can't afford to retire
With a low retirement age, meager pension benefits and no family to support them, many in China feel they simply can't ever stop working.
The plaintiff argued that age and other specific restrictions for men for survivors' pensions violates the constitution.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Apr 10, 2024
Lawsuit filed over gender gap in survivor's pension conditions
The plaintiff was rejected for the survivor pension due to being 49 years old at the time of his wife's death.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows