Tag - parenting-3



Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
May 7, 2016
Countryside Chiba farms out the fun
If you're raising children in Japan, then there's a good chance that, like me, you are raising city kids — children who are more comfortable in an urban setting than a rural one, whether it's in downtown Tokyo or suburban Kobe.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Apr 9, 2016
Time to let the kids get on their bikes
Like many Tokyo mothers, there is one ingenious invention that I can absolutely not live without: our much-loved electric mama chari bicycle.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Mar 19, 2016
Manner mode: Defusing tension on the train
Commuting to and from work during peak hours in Tokyo can be an utterly soul-destroying experience.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Feb 13, 2016
Trust robots to keep the kids occupied
'Can we go to the park?" In our household, this refrain is heard almost as frequently as "I want ice cream" and "I don't want to go to bed."
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Jan 9, 2016
Workshops to keep the children sweet
You and I can talk all day about differences between this country and that, and we can detail any number of parenting strategies and discuss how they differ from one culture to the next, but there are more similarities than differences, and one of the biggest common denominators is this: Kids want sweets....
Jan 7, 2016
LDP lawmaker faces off against his party's old guard over child care leave plan
Liberal Democratic Party Lower House lawmaker Kensuke Miyazaki wanted to do something to change the nation's declining birthrate, so he announced last month he planned to take child care leave after his wife gives birth.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Dec 12, 2015
Crafty ways to have fun without mess
For some parents (or maybe it's just me), there is one particular festive word that causes instant anxiety: "craft."
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Nov 7, 2015
Get kids' education down to a science
If you've read my earlier Child's Play columns, then you probably know that my family and I will visit just about any place that deals with science and technology. Lucky for me, Tokyo is full of these places, but it certainly isn't the only city in Japan with learning opportunities like this.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Oct 10, 2015
One way to keep the kids on their toes
There are few certainties in parenthood, from the ever-changing sleeping habits of babies to the unpredictability of toddler tantrums.
Sep 12, 2015
It still takes a village to keep our kids safe
The murders of 13-year-old Natsumi Hirata and 12-year-old Ryoto Hoshino in Osaka last month sparked a heated conversation in the media about the state of parenting in Japan.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Sep 12, 2015
TenQ can stop kids getting lost in space
There's something special about the sky at night. The stars may be clearer during the colder months, but right now it's easier for you and the kids to sprawl out on a patch of grass (or sand for you beach lovers) and gaze at the galaxy — at least when the weather is more accommodating. I love the conversations...
Aug 28, 2015
Japan to introduce video visitation system for parents in cross-border custody disputes
The Foreign Ministry will in September introduce a virtual visitation system to enable parents to meet children who have been abducted by their estranged partners under the Hague convention on cross-border custody disputes.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Aug 8, 2015
Let the kids get their hands on art
'No, don't touch!" These are probably the most infuriating words for young children to hear when they are being dragged around an art gallery by their parents.
Aug 1, 2015
Innocence and distraction
Mama-chan, can you wait a bit? You're going too fast.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Jun 13, 2015
Take on the samurai in Edo Period Toei
When my parents were young, action movies were about gunslingers, sheriffs and saloons. For my in-laws in Osaka, however, cinema was more about swords and samurai.
May 14, 2015
Intensive parenting producing infantilized youths
Children in American these days are cosseted by intensive parenting that encourages passivity and dependency.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
May 9, 2015
If the kids get bored, let them bake cake
The oven is pre-heating, the flour mix is being stirred, the cupcake holders are laid out and a team of diminutive chefs, in white hats and flowered smocks, are running amok.
Japan Times
May 2, 2015
Giving parents credit where rent is due
We choose our friends but we don't choose our parents. Nor do they choose us. It's a pretty fraught relationship, sometimes, that between parent and child. Perhaps "love-hate" best describes it — hopefully with love dominant.
Apr 15, 2015
Why do Americans hate free-range parenting?
Why has America gone lunatic on the subject of unattended children?
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jan 9, 2015
Pediatrics study finds children who sleep near smartphones and tablets get less shut-eye
Gave your kids smartphones for the holidays? You might want to reconsider their bedtime.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly