Tag - osaka-expo



Japan Times
Jul 19, 2022
Osaka Expo's nightmarish mascot given official name
The unusual red and blue mascot has been named Myaku-Myaku after organizers considered 33,000 suggestions from the public.
Japan Times
Apr 1, 2022
The Dubai Expo is over. Next stop: Osaka
Due to the Dubai event's one-year postponement, Japanese organizers have just three years, instead of the usual four, to finalize preparations.
Japan Times
Jan 5, 2022
2022 shaping up as pivotal year for success of 2025 Osaka Expo
The Kansai region hopes to wow the world with flying cars, new medical technologies and hydrogen- and ammonia-powered vehicles and buildings. But is there enough time?
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2021
Omicron throws a wrench in Osaka’s plan to promote 2025 expo in Dubai
Although Japan Day will still take place at the Dubai Expo on Dec. 11, key Japanese officials will be absent, hampering lobbying efforts for the 2025 event in Osaka.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / View from Osaka
Sep 10, 2021
Who you gonna call?: Parties with Osaka roots sad to see Suga go
With the upcoming change in LDP leadership, Nippon Ishin no Kai may lose its direct line to the Prime Minister's Office at a crucial time in Kansai politics.
Japan Times
May 13, 2021
As Olympics near, Tokyo flagged as among most disaster-vulnerable cities
When looking solely at natural disasters and the impact of earthquakes and typhoons on economies, populations and infrastructure, Tokyo and Osaka were listed as high-risk.
Japan Times
JAPAN / View from Osaka
Feb 20, 2021
Mori's downfall poetic justice for an Osaka ready to showcase its modernity
From describing the city as 'phlegm' to lackluster support for its Olympic bid, the former prime minister and Tokyo Games chief finally reaped the harvest of his disdain for Osaka.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Explainer
Jan 12, 2021
Osaka expo plans quietly move forward despite cost and virus worries
There are concerns expo-related costs could greatly increase, like those for the Tokyo Olympics, and also over whether there will be adequate time to prepare.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / View from Osaka
Dec 19, 2020
From Expo 2025 to tourists, Kansai’s hopes for the coming year
Economic recovery and making plans for a post-coronavirus world are set to be on the minds of residents and businesses in the region going into 2021.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 5, 2020
Nippon Ishin no Kai sees an ally in Suga in LDP leadership race
Close ties are likely to bode well for Osaka's efforts to ensure central government financing in next year's fiscal budget for the 2025 Expo.
Japan Times
JAPAN / View from Osaka
Apr 18, 2020
Pandemic forces organizers to mull options for 2025 Osaka Expo
Organizers of the quinquennial event are confident it will go ahead as planned, but what are their options if the pandemic forces a change?
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Mar 14, 2020
The 1970 Osaka Expo: Looking back at the past to gauge where Japan sits in the present
The 1970 Osaka Expo laid down a bold statement about Japan's future. Fifty years later, has the country been able to live up to its promises?
Japan Times
Feb 29, 2020
Japan Times 1995: Terror strikes subways during morning rush hour
The nerve gas sarin, planted on packed commuter subway trains in Tokyo during the morning rush hour Monday, killed six people and injured nearly 3,230 others in what police said was attempted mass murder.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?