Tag - occupation



The front page of The Japan Times on Feb. 21, 1925, carried news of clashes in the streets over the debate of extending voting rights to Japanese males over the age of 25.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Feb 1, 2025
Japan Times 1925: Tokyo factions ready to fight over manhood suffrage bill in Diet
Objections from the country's 1% came as Japan debated extending voting rights to all men over the age of 25.
On the first day of the 2000s, the world was relieved that the Y2K computer glitch was mostly nothing. And in Russia, Vladimir Putin came to power.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jan 1, 2025
Japan Times 2000: Japanese celebrate new year
Check out what was on the front page on Jan. 1 in 1925, 1950, 1975 and 2000.
The front page of the final Japan Times of the 1900s carried news on the crown princess as well as the Y2K computer glitch panic.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Dec 3, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Stores hit by Y2K stockpile feeding frenzy
From year-end predictions by mystics to panic from technologists, Decembers past have brought more than just year-end tidings to those reading the news.
An archival photo depicting a CWAJ board meeting from April 6, 1966
COMMUNITY / Issues / The Foreign Element
Aug 15, 2024
From the division of war, 75 years of intercultural aid
Celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, the mission of the College Women’s Association of Japan remains straightforward yet ambitious: Women supporting women.
Though some in the country rejected their wartime associations, the Japanese government made the Hinomaru flag and "Kimigayo" anthem official 25 years ago.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Aug 1, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Flag, anthem now official
After some controversy, the Hinomaru flag was made official alongside the country's national anthem, "Kimigayo."
As the 1924 Exclusion Act came into effect in the United States, people in Japan were not happy. It would define American immigration policy for near three decades.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
Jul 1, 2024
Japan Times 1924: Anti-America Day observed by all Japan
Two very different views of the United States from Japan, separated by 25 years and, more importantly, a war, define this month's look back at Japanese history.
The trial hearing of Masumi Hayashi, who denied killing four people and poisoning 63 at a festival by lacing a pot of curry with arsenic, was the focus of The Japan Times’ front page of May 14, 1999.
JAPAN / History / Japan Times Gone By
May 1, 2024
Japan Times 1999: Hayashi admits fraud, denies curry murders
The disturbing case of the Wakayama curry killer would continue for years, resulting in the eventual execution of the woman convicted of the crime.
Mar 7, 2024
Prominent Japanese political scientist Makoto Iokibe dies at 80
He is renowned for his research on Japan's relations with the United States during postwar U.S. occupation.
Nancy Mills in a photo that appears to have been taken on Amami Oshima
JAPAN / History
Dec 26, 2023
New Yorker recalls life on Amami island 70 years after reversion
Tracing her early childhood through photographs and letters, 74-year-old Nancy Mills wishes for Amami residents' happiness.
U.S. President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office of the White House in June 1972
Nov 19, 2023
Nixon's 1953 trip to Okinawa and its lasting impact
Nixon’s trip to Okinawa 70 years ago this month planted seeds for his agreeing to its reversion when he became the U.S. president.
Japan Times
Mar 5, 2023
Japan Times 1998: Sumida most vulnerable if big temblor hits Tokyo
When there hasn't been a big earthquake for a while, people start to worry and prepare. That seemed to be the case in 1998.
Aug 30, 2020
75 years on, legacy of the U.S.-led Occupation of Japan still resonates
While Japan blossomed as an economic powerhouse in the second half of the century, some argue the Occupation created problems that lingered long after it ended.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2019
'The Woman in the White Kimono': Love and loss in postwar Japan
Inspired by her own father's experiences in Japan, in 'The Woman in the White Kimono' author Ana Jones pens a bittersweet love story that weaves together Japan's postwar past and present.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2018
'The Journey': Jiro Osaragi depicts a society coming to grips with defeat and occupation
Jiro Osaragi's 'The Journey' is an intriguing literary and psychological depiction of a society coming to grips with the aftermath of defeat and occupation.
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Jul 12, 2018
Ogasawara Islands: Remote witnesses on the front lines of Japanese history
The Ogasawara Islands, also known as the Bonin Islands, have faced a number of unique — if not bizarre — developments over the course of history.
Japan Times
Nov 11, 2017
'Hiroshima Notes': Kenzaburo Oe on Hiroshima and the U.S. Occupation
In 1963, 28-year-old novelist and rising star Kenzaburo Oe was sent to Hiroshima to report on the rancorous split between political groups calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2017
'Japanese Reflections on World War II and the American Occupation': War through the eyes of everyday Oita citizens
The deafening report of war is such that the cries of its victims are often hard to hear, even decades later.


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble