Tag - nuclear-weapons



Japan Times
Aug 22, 2019
Japan's Indo-Pacific dream or nightmare?
Unfinished political reform, militarization, technological authoritarianism, the politicization of history and great power rivalry is stressing the Indo-Pacific region and Tokyo's attempts to inculcate a rules-based order into the region.
Japan Times
Aug 21, 2019
Japan defense white paper to concede North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warheads, report says
Japan has upgraded its estimate of North Korea's nuclear weapons capability in an upcoming annual defense white paper, saying it seems Pyongyang has already achieved the miniaturization of warheads, the Yomiuri newspaper said in an unsourced report Wednesday.
Japan Times
Aug 21, 2019
Mike Pompeo says North Korea talks have not resumed as quickly as hoped
The United States has not returned to the negotiation table with North Korea as quickly as it had hoped, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday, but he added that Washington knew there would be "bumps on the road" in the denuclearization talks.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2019
U.S. test of previously banned missile raises fears of new nuclear arms race
The U.S. military has conducted a flight test of a type of missile banned for more than 30 years, under a treaty from which it bolted earlier this month, the Pentagon said Monday, in a move experts said was likely to have been closely watched by China, Russia and even North Korea.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Aug 20, 2019
Russian nuclear test sensors mysteriously go offline
The operator of a global network of radioactivity sensors said Monday its two Russian sites closest to a mysterious explosion on Aug. 8 went offline two days after the blast, raising concern about possible tampering by Russia.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 20, 2019
Japan and U.S. officials discuss North Korea's missiles and denuclearization process
A senior Japanese official and visiting U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun on Monday discussed coordination over denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Aug 20, 2019
No risk of increased radiation after deadly rocket blast, Putin says
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday there was no risk of increased radiation levels after a blast at a military site in northern Russia on Aug. 8 that killed at least five people.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2019
With failure of arms treaty, powers risk new missile race
The loss of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty may be only the beginning.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2019
North Korea's Kim praises new weapons tests and vows 'invincible military capabilities'
North Korea's test-firing of "projectiles" Friday morning was of a "new weapon," state-run media said Saturday, with leader Kim Jong Un urging his scientists to continue building weapons "to discourage any forces from daring to provoke us."
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2019
Indian defense chief says 'no first use' of nuclear weapons depends on situation
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh warned Friday that India's continued adherence to its "no first use" policy for nuclear weapons will depend on the situation, a comment that is likely to fuel tensions with Pakistan over their territorial dispute.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 16, 2019
Japan offers U.S. its robotics tech for use in denuclearizing North Korea
Japan has told the United States it is ready to provide its robotics technology for use in dismantling nuclear and uranium enrichment facilities in North Korea as Washington and Pyongyang pursue further denuclearization talks, government sources said Friday.
Aug 16, 2019
The old Russia rears its ugly head
Russia, and the U.S., must do more to head off the dangers of a new nuclear arms race.
Aug 16, 2019
Radioactive iodine from Russian missile accident detected in Norway
Norway's nuclear safety authority is analyzing tiny amounts of radioactive iodine detected in the air in northern Norway in the days after a deadly explosion during a rocket engine test over the border in Russia.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2019
North Korea fires more 'projectiles' into Sea of Japan and vows not to meet with South
North Korea added insult to injury Friday when, hours after blasting South Korea's leader as "impudent" and vowing not to meet with Seoul officials, it launched two more "projectiles" into the Sea of Japan.
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2019
Japan gets a wake-up call from Trump
The Trump administration is ready to sacrifice the security interests of America's regional allies as long as Kim does not test any capability that threatens American security.
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2019
Russia flies nuclear-capable bombers to region facing Alaska
Russia said on Wednesday it had flown two nuclear-capable TU-160 bombers to a far eastern Russian region opposite Alaska as part of a training exercise that state media said showed Moscow's ability to park nuclear arms on America's doorstep.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2019
Kremlin says it is winning arms race against U.S. despite rocket accident
The Kremlin boasted on Tuesday it was winning the race to develop new cutting edge nuclear weapons despite a mysterious rocket accident last week in northern Russia that caused a temporary spike in radiation levels.
Japan Times
Aug 13, 2019
Russia admits new weapon blew up in deadly nuclear accident last week
The failed missile test that ended in an explosion killing five atomic scientists last week on Russia's White Sea involved a small nuclear power source, according to a top official at the institute where they worked.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 10, 2019
Deteriorating Japan-South Korea ties put U.S. in 'bad position,' Trump says
Saying heightened tensions between Japan and South Korea puts the United States in a u2018bad position,' U.S. President Donald Trump calls on the two countries to improve their relations.
Japan Times
Aug 10, 2019
Hiroshima and Nagasaki struggle to find way forward as frustration grows over Japan's inaction on nuke ban treaty
As their cities marked the 74th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings, the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki this week used their annual peace declarations to heap pressure on the central government to join a U.N. treaty banning nuclear weapons.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals