Tag - nuclear-weapons-3



Japan Times
Sep 7, 2017
U.N. weighs U.S. push for North Korea oil embargo, textile export ban
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2017
Trump says Japan, South Korea can buy more 'highly sophisticated' U.S. military equipment
U.S. President Donald Trump said in a tweet Tuesday that he would let Japan and South Korea buy even more "highly sophisticated" American military equipment as the two allies look to bolster their defenses against nuclear-armed North Korea.
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2017
South Korea's Moon faces calls to alter policy on North after nuclear test
North Korea has been condemned internationally for conducting its most powerful nuclear test yet, but, across the border, South Korean President Moon Jae-in is also attracting flak for his policy of pursuing engagement with Pyongyang.
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2017
Japan seeks oil embargo on North Korea but China will resist cutting lifeline
Even before North Korea detonated its most powerful nuclear bomb yet, Japan was calling for moves to cut off its oil supply.
Sep 5, 2017
Nagasaki University plans biannual English journal on nuclear disarmament
Nagasaki University will launch an English-language academic journal focused on nuclear disarmament early next year.
Sep 4, 2017
Pyongyang ratchets up its provocations
Pressure must be increased on North Korea to help halt its weapons development programs, but diplomatic efforts directly involving Pyongyang should also be explored.
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2017
No red lines? China and North Korea
China has much to gain by strongly responding to North Korea's nuclear provocations.
Sep 4, 2017
No abnormal radiation readings from North Korea nuclear test, NRA says
No abnormal radiation readings have been detected from North Korea's nuclear test on Sunday, the Nuclear Regulation Authority said.
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2017
China reluctant to press North Korea with further sanctions, seeks more from West
North Korea's latest nuclear test is likely to pile more pressure on China to take tough action against its neighbor, but Beijing already doubts economic sanctions will work and says it is not its sole responsibility to rein in Pyongyang.
Japan Times
Sep 3, 2017
North Korea conducts sixth nuclear test, says it has developed 'perfect' H-bomb
North Korea claims to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb capable of being loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile, presenting the U.S. and its allies with a new and more potent challenge.
Japan Times
Sep 3, 2017
Hideo Tsuchiyama, leader of Nagasaki peace movement, dies at 92
Former Nagasaki University President Hideo Tsuchiyama, leader of the peace movement and nuclear abolition campaign of atom-bombed Nagasaki, died early Saturday morning. He was 92.
Japan Times
Sep 2, 2017
Pyongyang university to start classes without American staff due to travel ban
Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), North Korea's only Western-funded university, will start the fall semester without its dozens of American staffers after failing to secure exemptions to a U.S. travel ban that started on Friday.
Japan Times
Aug 31, 2017
North Korea says 'crafty' Japan views tension as 'good opportunity'
North Korea has lambasted the Japan-U.S. security alliance, labeling Tokyo "crafty" and claiming that Japan views tension on the Korean Peninsula as a "good opportunity" to loosen constitutional restraints on its military.
Japan Times
Aug 30, 2017
North Korea: End of the nuclear taboo?
Is the North Korean crisis slowly eroding the postwar taboo against using nuclear weapons?
Japan Times
Aug 30, 2017
North Korean leader says more to come as U.N. condemns missile launch over Japan
Pyongyang said the missile launched over Japan on Tuesday was an intermediate-range Hwasong-12 and meant to counter U.S.-South Korean war games.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2017
After North Korean missile flies over Hokkaido, Trump says again: 'All options on the table'
U.S. President Donald Trump doubled down Tuesday in the United States' standoff with nuclear-armed North Korea, reiterating that "all options" — an allusion to military action — remain on the table after Pyongyang launched a midrange missile over its close Asian ally Japan.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2017
North's 'shot across Japan's bow' gives Abe boost on defense, puts hopes for talks on ice
North Korea's provocative launch of an apparent midrange missile over Hokkaido is likely to give fuel to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to bolster the nation's abilities to defend itself.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks