Tag - nuclear-energy-2



Japan Times
Apr 2, 2017
After Fukushima, battling Tepco and leukemia
Masaru Ikeda felt he had a duty to help at the No. 1 plant after 3/11. Now, in court, he is taking on the utility he says betrayed him.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
Mar 30, 2017
American tech icon Westinghouse bet on nuclear, and lost
Westinghouse Electric Co., once synonymous with America's industrial might, wagered its future on nuclear power — and lost.
Japan Times
Mar 29, 2017
Plans to scrap reactors on hold as NRA raises concerns over nuclear waste
The Nuclear Regulation Authority on Wednesday postponed a decision on whether to approve decommissioning plans for five old reactors, raising questions about whether deadlines for scrapping the units can be met.
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2017
Takahama reactors may soon restart after court overturns injunction
The Osaka High Court overturned an injunction issued against the restart of Kansai Electric Power Co.'s No. 3 and No. 4 reactors at its Takahama facility in Fukui Prefecture.
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2017
Radiation brings fear, and kids let it all out
Children too young, one might think, to even know the word 'radiation' have picked it up and flung it with gleeful malice at disoriented new classmates who have enough to cope with already.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 23, 2017
Toshiba says Westinghouse board to decide on bankruptcy
Toshiba Corp. said the board of its nuclear unit Westinghouse will decide whether to file for bankruptcy, suggesting that is one option under consideration as it struggles with billions of dollars in liabilities from cost overruns on nuclear construction projects.
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2017
Robot makes foray into reactor 1
Tokyo Electric on Sunday confirmed lethally high radiation levels inside the primary containment vessel of reactor 1 at the heavily damaged Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant but found they were not nearly as high as those recently logged in reactor 2.
Japan Times
Mar 16, 2017
White House proposes reviving Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site
The White House's fiscal 2018 budget plan for the U.S. Department of Energy includes $120 million to restart licensing for the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada, a project stalled for years by lawsuits and local opposition.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 12, 2017
At party convention, DP shies away from plan to phase out atomic power by 2030
The Democratic Party postpones adopting a bold target of slashing the nation's reliance on nuclear power to zero by 2030.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2017
Nuclear energy industry lacks new talent as Fukushima fallout turns off graduates
At a Tokyo job fair for the atomic energy industry on March 4, Kenta Kakitani, a graduate student at the University of Tokyo, hopes to some day become a nuclear plant design engineer.
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2017
Japan Times 1942: 'Abolish or continue study of English?'
Because it is spoken by Japan's enemy nations, the English language has fallen into discredit in this country, and there is even an outcry for its abolition.
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2017
Does the nuclear option make sense for Japan?
Becoming a nuclear weapons power won't make Japan safer and won't lighten the U.S. security burden.
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2017
Toshiba's woes weigh heavily on government's ambition to sell Japan's nuclear technology
Toshiba's announcement it will write down nearly u00a5712.5 billion in losses involving its U.S. nuclear unit is seen as a setback for the government's strategy of selling the nation's nuclear technology.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?