Tag - nuclear-energy-2



Japan Times
Apr 4, 2019
First images of Saudi nuclear reactor show plant nearing finish
Saudi Arabia is nearing completion of its first nuclear reactor, satellite images of the facility show, triggering warnings about the risks of the kingdom using the technology without signing up to the international rules governing the industry.
Japan Times
Apr 3, 2019
From casinos to nuclear power, local issues with national significance to play out at polls across Japan
Municipal mergers, integrated casino resorts, bullet trains and the future of nuclear power plants — local issues with national political repercussions — are expected to be taken up by candidates from Hokkaido to Kyushu in the coming weeks as the country prepares for a series of elections on April...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 2, 2019
Made-in-China reactor gains favor at home as U.S. nuclear technology falters
China's homegrown nuclear technology is gaining ground in the battle for that nation's next generation of reactors, according to a state-owned developer, as it seeks to move on after delays and cost blowouts from imported designs.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Mar 29, 2019
Fukushima radioactive contaminants found as far north as Alaska's Bering Strait
Radioactive contamination from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant crippled by tsunami in 2011 has drifted as far north as waters off a remote Alaska island in the Bering Strait, scientists said on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2019
Trump administration approved secret nuclear power tech sales to Saudi Arabia, document shows
U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has approved six secret authorizations by companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, according to a copy of a document seen by Reuters on Wednesday.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 27, 2019
'Shocked' Fukushima evacuees say Tepco ruling fails to fairly compensate them for suffering
A Tokyo court on Wednesday ordered the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant to pay a total of ¥21.34 million in damages to a group of evacuees from the March 2011 nuclear disaster.
Mar 14, 2019
U.S. and India commit to building six nuclear power plants
The United States and India on Wednesday agreed to strengthen security and civil nuclear cooperation, including building six U.S. nuclear power plants in India, the two countries said in a joint statement.
Mar 13, 2019
Japan's post-3/11 energy policy
The government needs to flesh out its goal of turning renewables into a primary source of power supply with concrete steps to make that happen.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / 3/11: Moving forward
Mar 11, 2019
In aftermath of Fukushima triple meltdown, Japan's nuclear industry faces fierce headwind
This is the last in a five-part series examining how the northeast and the nation are progressing with efforts to deal with the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Mar 9, 2019
U.K. and Japan scientists probe radioactive particles from Fukushima meltdowns
Eight years after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, radioactive particles collected from the site are undergoing new forensic investigation in Britain in an effort to understand the exact sequence of events.
Japan Times
JAPAN / 3/11: Moving forward
Mar 8, 2019
Tohoku tours shed light on life in the aftermath of the 3/11 tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster
This is the second in a series examining how the northeast and the nation are progressing with efforts to deal with the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
Japan Times
JAPAN / 3/11: Moving forward
Mar 7, 2019
Eight years after triple nuclear meltdown, Fukushima No. 1's water woes show no signs of ebbing
This is the first in a series examining how the northeast and the nation are progressing with efforts to deal with the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
Japan Times
Feb 12, 2019
Tepco to deploy robot for first contact with melted fuel from Fukushima No. 1 nuclear disaster
The owner of the wrecked Fukushima No. 1 power plant is trying this week to touch melted fuel at the bottom of the plant for the first time since the disaster almost eight years ago, a tiny but key step toward retrieving the radioactive material amid a ¥21.5 trillion ($195 billion) cleanup effort.
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2019
Africa sees nuclear power as answer to continent-wide electrification goal
In a damp office at Addis Ababa University, doctoral student Hailu Geremew fantasizes about working on the nuclear reactor his country is now pondering building.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?