Tag - nuclear-energy-2



Japan Times
Dec 7, 2019
News outlets take time to connect the dots in Kepco gift scandal
In September, media reported that 20 executives of Kansai Electric Power Co. (Kepco) had, for a decade or so, received almost ¥320 million worth of cash and gifts from Eiji Moriyama, the former deputy mayor of Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, who died in March at the age of 90. The compensation was presumably...
Japan Times
Nov 27, 2019
Nuclear watchdog approves restart of Onagawa reactor in Miyagi hit by 3/11 tsunami
The No. 2 unit of Tohoku Electric Power's Onagawa plant received the green light after the addition of disaster prevention measures, including a towering seawall.
Japan Times
Nov 25, 2019
In Japan, Pope Francis urges rethink of reliance on nuclear energy
Meeting survivors of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster that triggered the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear crisis, Pope Francis has a poignant message.
Japan Times
Nov 19, 2019
As extreme storms wreck power grids, Japan turns to home battery networks
After recent typhoons ravaged the nation's power grid and disrupted services to almost 1.4 million customers, the government is encouraging homeowners to invest in storage systems, seeking to marry batteries with existing rooftop solar capacity to create backup electricity networks.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional Voices: Fukushima
Nov 15, 2019
German state leader to visit Fukushima to see recovery and renewable energy efforts
Minister President Armin Laschet of North Rhine-Westphalia, a state located in western Germany, is set to pay a visit to Fukushima Prefecture in January to evaluate the progress being made to implement renewable energy sources and the region's recovery following the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent...
Nov 15, 2019
Why South Korea is wrong about Fukushima tritium
An effort to tarnish Japan's image in the lead-up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is one thing, but misleading the public with unfounded claims that disregard science is quite another.
Japan Times
Nov 13, 2019
European concerns could spell end of Iran nuclear deal and new U.N. sanctions
Europe's threat to trigger a mechanism that could reimpose United Nations sanctions on Iran marks a significant breakdown in diplomacy to try to save the 2015 nuclear deal and could presage its death knell, diplomats say.
Japan Times
Nov 4, 2019
Dozens of bags of radioactive waste still missing in Fukushima three weeks after intense typhoon
Dozens of bags containing waste polluted with radioactive substances are still missing in Fukushima Prefecture, three weeks after they were swept away from storage areas in floods triggered by Typhoon Hagibis.
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2019
Hidden gold and 'murky' payoffs threaten Japan's nuclear revival
A payoff scandal has struck Japan's nuclear world, threatening to delay the restart of idled reactors in what's becoming the industry's biggest crisis since the Fukushima meltdowns of 2011.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional Voices: Tohoku
Oct 11, 2019
With appeal of Tepco acquittal, thousands hit by Fukushima nuclear disaster seek closure
Plaintiffs have appealed a ruling handed down by the Tokyo District Court in mid-September that found three former Tokyo Electric Power Co. executives not guilty of professional negligence. A class action lawsuit against the executives claimed they had failed to apply the proper safety measures to prevent...
Oct 8, 2019
Third-party probe of Kepco scandal
A third party should investigate the KEPCO scandal to determine if there was collusion.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?