Tag - nuclear-energy-2



Japan Times
Jul 4, 2023
IAEA endorses Japan’s release of treated water from Fukushima plant
The organization’s safety assessment report concluded that the discharge of the treated water into the sea is “consistent with relevant international safety standards.”
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional Voices: Kyushu
Jul 3, 2023
Nagasaki island divided over survey on hosting nuclear waste disposal site
Some residents are expressing hopes for regional development — mindful that the city will receive a large subsidy if it proceeds with the move.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2023
Minireactor cost surge threatens nuclear’s next big thing
High inflation and rising interest rates are driving up the cost of a new generation of miniature atomic reactors that the nuclear industry is relying on to lift sales.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2023
Japan set to release Fukushima water into Pacific, angering China
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s Director-General Rafael Grossi will visit Japan from Tuesday to deliver a final report on the safety of the process.
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2023
Komeito chief suggests not releasing Fukushima water in swimming season
The Japanese government plans to start releasing once-contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings' plant in Fukushima Prefecture this summer.
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2023
EU likely to lift restrictions on food imports from Japan
The EU's final decision may be timed to coincide with a summit between Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and EU leaders to be held in Brussels in mid-July.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 29, 2023
EU intends to maintain missile sanctions on Iran beyond expiry of 2015 pact
Current measures that limit Tehran's nuclear program in return for relief from economic controls are set to expire on Oct. 18 under a U.N. resolution that enshrined the earlier deal.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2023
Kishida to meet head of IAEA over release of treated water from Fukushima plant
Japan's government plans to start releasing the treated water, which contains radioactive tritium, into the ocean around this summer.
Japan Times
Jun 24, 2023
Some in China are boycotting Japanese cosmetics over Fukushima water release
The viral campaign began earlier this month when largely unproven allegations that water discharges from the plant are hazardous to health began trending on Chinese social media platforms.
Japan Times
Jun 23, 2023
Japan denies reported political donations to IAEA over Fukushima findings
The rumor about the donations linked to the planned water release started after a South Korean online media outlet published a story on the matter.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jun 21, 2023
Kishida comes away from parliamentary session with key goals achieved
Out of 60 bills it submitted, 58 became law, a 96.7% passage rate — a slight drop from the equivalent session last year, where all 61 bills received parliament's approval.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2023
Finland's nuclear catacombs nearly ready to house waste
The project aims to solve the age-old quagmire of what to do with nuclear waste.
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2023
Government seeks fishing industry's understanding over nuclear plant water release
The government aims to start releasing treated water from Fukushima power plant this summer while pledging not to dispose of it without the understanding of concerned parties.
Japan Times
Jun 8, 2023
‘Firing the Lighter Gun’: A gripping addition to the post-Fukushima canon
Kohei Sanada’s sophomore feature doesn’t always hit the mark, but it’s a grimly compelling portrait of the aftermath of a nuclear accident.
Japan Times
May 31, 2023
Bill to extend operating period of nuclear plants passes Japan's Upper House
The passage of the bill, which extends the operating period to over 60 years, paves the way for an overhaul of the country's nuclear policy.
Japan Times
May 31, 2023
Just how safe is Fukushima’s ‘contaminated’ water?
To build the clean energy sector the world needs, nuclear power advocates must sway public opinion their way. Just crashing through won’t cut it.
Japan Times
May 27, 2023
Ukraine says Russia plans to simulate accident at nuclear power plant
The Zaporizhzhia plant is Europe's biggest nuclear power station and the area has been repeatedly hit by shelling that both sides blame each other for.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?