Tag - nuclear-crisis



Oct 26, 2018
South Korea to conduct military drills amid stalled exercises with U.S.
South Korea will stage two military drills next week amid a thaw in relations with North Korea, which have prompted Seoul and Washington to suspend joint exercises with the United States to spur nuclear talks.
Japan Times
Oct 24, 2018
Human rights situation in North Korea 'has not changed' despite Pyongyang's warming ties with Seoul and Washington, U.N. investigator says
The ongoing detente between North Korea and the United States has done little, if anything, to improve Pyongyang's abysmal rights record, the U.N. independent investigator on human rights in the nuclear-armed country said Tuesday, just weeks before the expected passage of a Japan-led resolution condemning...
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2018
North Korea blasts Japan's role in pushing U.N. human rights resolution amid nuclear talks
North Korea has singled out Japan, criticizing Tokyo's leading role in crafting a U.N. resolution condemning human rights violations and the abductions of foreign nationals by the nuclear-armed country, amid its ongoing thaw with the outside world.
Japan Times
Oct 20, 2018
U.S. to suspend another joint military exercise with South Korea as Trump-Kim summit looks unlikely this year
The United States will suspend another military exercise with South Korea in effort to facilitate ongoing North Korean denuclearization talks, the Pentagon said Friday, as reports emerged that the next summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump would likely not take...
Oct 12, 2018
North and South Korea set high-level talks for Monday
North and South Korea will hold high-level talks on Monday at the border village of Panmunjom to discuss follow-up steps to their recent summit, Seoul's Unification Ministry said on Friday.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2018
Seoul will not unilaterally lift North Korea sanctions, Trump says: 'They do nothing without our approval'
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday South Korea will not lift sanctions on Pyongyang without U.S. approval, after the South Korean foreign minister softened earlier comments that some of its unilateral sanctions were under review.
Japan Times
Oct 10, 2018
Trump says second meeting with Kim will happen after November midterm elections
A second meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will have to wait until after the Nov. 6 midterm elections.
Japan Times
Oct 9, 2018
North Korea's Kim invites Pope Francis to visit Pyongyang, Seoul says
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has invited Pope Francis to visit Pyongyang, a spokesman for South Korea's presidential Blue House said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Oct 9, 2018
Mike Pompeo faced hard bargain from start of his Pyongyang trip
From the moment U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on Sunday, North Korean officials made clear who was in control and how little space the top U.S. diplomat would have in setting the terms of the discussion that would follow.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2018
Trump hopes for second summit with North Korea's Kim after 'good' Mike Pompeo meeting in Pyongyang
President Donald Trump says he hopes to see North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "in the near future" after his top diplomat reported progress Sunday at a meeting with Kim in Pyongyang held to resolve details over a potential second summit.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2018
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo doesn't see tensions with China hurting talks with North Korea
China will be part of the solution to the North Korean crisis, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday, brushing aside the possibility that worsening U.S. tensions with Beijing could hamper efforts to persuade Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2018
War-end declaration might be 'slippery slope' for U.S. presence in South Korea: U.N. Command general
A declaration to end the 1950-53 Korea War could be a "slippery slope" that would lead to questioning the need for the U.S. troop presence in South Korea, the deputy head of the U.N. Command overseeing the Korean armistice said on Friday, ahead of new talks between Washington and Pyongyang.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2018
As he makes his return to Pyongyang, top U.S. diplomat Mike Pompeo is short on leverage for nuke deal
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo departed Friday on a trip that will take him to North Korea, as U.S. disarmament demands are increasingly undermined by calls for sanctions relief and President Donald Trump's eagerness for a second summit with Kim Jong Un.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2018
High-stakes denuclearization talks in balance as U.S. announces top diplomat's visit to North Korea
The White House's high-stakes talks with Pyongyang over its nuclear program have entered a crucial phase, with the negotiations likely to hinge on a scheduled meeting Sunday between U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2018
Top U.S. diplomat Mike Pompeo to meet North Korea's Kim on Sunday
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday, the State Department said Tuesday as high-stakes talks over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program enter a crucial phase.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2018
'We fell in love': Trump touts bromance with North Korea's Kim
U.S. President Donald Trump has fallen in love — with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2018
Trump backs off timetable for North Korean denuclearization as top U.S. diplomat announces trip to Pyongyang next month
In the latest twist in Donald Trump's shifting strategy on North Korea, the U.S. president on Wednesday backed off a set timetable for Pyongyang to denuclearize, ahead of a planned visit next month to the North Korean capital by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


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